  • 學位論文


(De)constructing China's Relevant Society—Collaborative Nationalism and Inner Colonism

指導教授 : 石之瑜


本文旨在探討內蒙古學者寶力格的中國民族關係研究與內蒙古族的應對策 略。寶力格以內蒙蒙古族的「共謀」為範例,做為中國民族關係研究另一種切入 角度。寶力格否認少數民族區域自古即為當代中國一部分的假說,進而對現代主 權國家概念與中國民族政策進行批評。他強調歷史與文化的穿透性與「國家」領 土僵固的概念在東北亞地區產生衝突,以致內蒙蒙古族人無法採取彈性的身分策 略;而中國則透過上述歷史文化的穿透性,利用「血緣」概念與少數民族建立連 結,則被認為是一種「內部殖民主義」。然而,寶力格於訪談中提到,其認知現 今國際結構的穩定與不可逆,盼能在承認現在國際結構下,尋求少數民族生存之 道。因而,其自二十世紀初內蒙蒙古族策略中,提出「協作式民族主義」概念, 強調少數民族應藉由主動建立與主體民族,甚至更大的社會建立連結,以求生 存。 本文發現寶力格在討論中國民族關係的論述中,看重中國社會強調「相關性」 的內涵,他一則透過歷史與詮釋解構中國對少數民族「歷史相關性」的論述,另 一方面,則在探討二十世紀初內蒙蒙古族策略時,將與漢族合作的「主動權」還 交給內蒙蒙古族,將其放置在一個更大的社會與歷史框架中尋求再現。


This thesis aims to explore the China’s ethnic relations study and Inner Mongolia’s strategy of Mongolian scholar Uradyn Bulag. Bulag took Inner Mongolia’s complicity toward China as another way to discuss China’s ethnic relations. He disagrees the hypothesis that minority area is inseparable part of China, and made critiques on the concept of sovereignty state and China’s minority policy. He emphasized the penetration of history and culture and the rigidity of state territory,and pointed out that the contradiction of two concepts above in the North-East Asia constrains the identity strategy of Inner Mongolian. In the meanwhile, China took advantage of the penetration of history and culture, making connection with minority physically, which be viewed as a kind of “Inner Colonism”by Bulag. However, while Bulag wishes to help the minorities to find the way out, he acknowledges the stability and reversibility of International Structure. Therefore, he proposed the concept of “Collaborative Nationalism”through the experience of Inner Mongolian in the 20th century. This concept suggests the minorities engage and make themselves relevant with the major group and make it under a much wider social space. What the author found was that Bulag placed importance on China’s relevant society. On the one hand, he tried to deconstruct China’s discourse on the historical relevance with the minorities. On the other hand, when discussing Inner Mongolian cooperation with Han in the 20th century, he gave Inner Mongolian more initiative, and put them under a bigger historical and social context to re-present themselves.


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Bulag, U. E.2005, “The Nomonhan Incident and the Politics of Friendship on the Russia-Mongolia-China Border” In The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, (http://www.japanfocus.org/-Uradyn_E_-Bulag/3263 )(檢視日期:2012/06/23)
Bachman, David, 2004, “Contradiction and Ironies of Chinese Governance in China’s Northwest”, in Governing China’s Multiethnic Frontiers, eds. Morris Rossabi, Seattle: University of Washington Press: 155-185
Barabantseva, Elena, 2011, “The Politics of Everyday Ethnicity in China: Review Article”, Asian Ethnicity
