  • 學位論文


Transforming the Message: How Media Shape the Story of Divina Commedia

指導教授 : 楊智明


《神曲》的故事是但丁在十四世紀初創作的傳世經典,隨後即被繪畫、電影、動畫以及電玩等不同時代的黃金媒介重新演繹,三部曲中尤其是《神曲·地獄篇》最受寵愛。地獄的故事從文字這個冷媒介,轉變成為以圖像為主要感官傳達的熱媒介──繪畫、電影、動畫──的內容,最後在極冷又極熱的電玩媒介的全感官刺激下與玩家展開互動。本研究試圖了解:在媒介技術拾級而上的過程中,《神曲》的故事究竟發生了何種改變;媒介如何主導了意識型態、空間以及人們的目光,從而達到媒介改變內容的效果;當人們的感官愈來愈被滿足時,如今神諭是否安在。 Neil Postman提出文化分期形成了神權、科學與資訊這三種不同的意識型態;Margaret Wertheim認為人類對空間的概念是被建構的,他分類了靈魂空間、物理空間與網路空間等八個重要的空間概念;Regis Debray分析了圖像的三個歷史進程,從而了解人們對圖像的眼光究竟如何變化。此三位學者的分類方式皆立基於媒介的形式之上,從不同的角度對媒介形成的文化以及對人的影響進行觀察,他們的分類與觀具有很強的互文性。本研究通過對這三位學者的理論進行歸類與整合,結合媒介生態學的論述,與《神曲》的個案進行對話,試圖揭露習而不察的媒介如何影響和改變內容。 本研究從媒介生態學的角度出發,透過「時間軸」的觀察──用編年的方式排列出資料的時間演變,輔以各種關聯性文獻資料之蒐集、檢索、歸納與分析,探討在但丁創作的《神曲·地獄篇》出現之後,其如何被不同時代的媒介──繪畫、電影、動畫與電玩──所表現,從而觀察媒介如何演繹和改變但丁筆下的那個關於神的故事。 本研究發現,媒介是有其偏向的,時間與空間的偏向決定了我們使用媒介的方式;感官的偏向主導了理智的涉入程度;道德與娛樂的偏向影響了文化的深度。此種偏向不僅改變了內容,並且改變得天翻地覆。但丁故事裡傳遞的神諭與道德觀在媒介演進中逐漸消失不見,敘事被技術肢解得支離破碎。技術用它的進步彰顯了人的退後。當我們的感官被媒介技術填滿之際,我們愈來愈無法感知超驗的靈魂與精神,科學與網路的技術把我們帶進「地獄」的深淵。


媒介生態學 意識型態 空間 但丁 神曲 地獄


Divina Commedia by Dante has been handed down since the early fourteenth century as a classic creation, then reintroduced by the leading medium of different eras, namely painting, film, animation and video games, in which Divina Commedia: Inferno has been most reinterpreted out of the entire trilogy. The story Inferno has been firstly translated by a cold medium like words, which gradually transformed into a hot medium like painting, films and animation, where images mainly convey senses and feelings, then finally into an extremly cold and hot medium like video games, where interaction with other players are carryed out under full sensory stimulation. This study attempts to understand the following three aspects: what change has happened to the story Divina Commedia during the development of the technology; how media have dominated the ideology, space and people's sight, in order to achieve the effect that the media change the content; whether the oracle is neatly kept while increasing senses from audience are to be satisfied. Neil Postman has come up with three different ideologies namely the theocratic culture, science and information; Margaret Wertheim insists that space concept that human beings hold has been constructed. He has classified into eight important spatial concepts including the soul space, physical space and cyber space; Regis Debray analyzes three historical process of images to see how people's vision has changed. The classifications from all three scholars have been founded on the form of the media, observed from different angles about the culture and impact the media bring, therefore, they have a strong intertextuality. The study focus on how media change the contents by classifying and integrating theories, combining with the story Divina Commedia and media ecology. From the perspective of media ecology, this study has worked out the evolution of data by chronological time through the observation about Timeline. At the same time, this study reveals how Divina Commedia has been manifested and reintroduced by media in different eras like painting, film, animation and video games since creation by summarizing and analyzing all kinds of supplementary materials. The study has found that media have bias, and it is the trend of time and space that has decided the way we use media; sensory bias decides the level of involvement of intellectual; moral and entertainment taste affect the depth of culture. Such bias has not only changed the content, but also turned it upside down. Oracles and morality from Divina Commedia have gradually disappeared in the evolution of media, and the story has been reformed. Technology highlights human being’s retrogression through its progress. When our senses are filled with technology, we find it harder and harder to perceive the transcendental soul and spirit. Science and Internet technology have brought us into the abyss of “inferno".


Media ecology Ideology Space Dante Divina Commedia Inferno


