  • 學位論文

微控制器開發 & IoT整合應用

Development of Microcontroller and IoT Integration Applications

指導教授 : 李宗翰


在講究數位優化的潮流下,使之最為耳熟能詳的「物聯網」,早已融入於我們的生活當中,使之各大企業對於「物聯網」的發展關切度日異遞增;談及「物聯網」的應用,不僅能使民眾生活便利化,也使各大企業獲得轉型與升級的契機;在硬體性能、網路速度、裝置容量的飛速成長下、使得行動裝置的採用率逐年攀升、然在感應器成本降低的背景下,「物聯網」的發展趨勢早已不可忽視。 「微控制器」可因應場合做出對應的組合控制,且於幾年來不斷地研究開發,產品的成熟度已從4位,逐漸發展到32位,甚至64位,應用範圍之廣,並隨著智慧家庭、智慧醫療、智慧工廠等趨勢走向,帶動了「物聯網」的相關應用與發展,各式運用「微控制器」所設計出來的相關產品及需求,已逐年增長;本篇技術報告主要在闡述「微控制器」與「物聯網」之間的整合開發。


物聯網 微控制器 感應器


In the trend of digital optimization, so that the most familiar "IoT", has already been integrated into our lives, so that the major enterprises for the development of " IoT " concern to live different increasing ;When it comes to the application of the " IoT ", it can not only facilitate people's lives, but also provide opportunities for major enterprises to transform and upgrade. With the rapid growth of hardware performance, network speed and device capacity, the adoption rate of mobile devices is increasing year by year. However, in the context of the reduction of sensor cost, the development trend of " IoT " can not be ignored. "MCU" can respond to situations to make the combination of the corresponding control, and in a few years to continuously research and development, product maturity has risen from four, gradually developed to 32 bits, or even 64, wide application range, and with the wisdom, family, health, wisdom, factories and so on trend, led to the related applications and development of the" IoT ",Various use of "MCU" designed by the related products and demand, has been increasing year by year ;This technical report focuses on the integration development between them.


IoT MCU Sensor


[1] (公司) 新日興:
[2] (百科) MCU[微控制單元]:
[3] (書籍) STM32F4xx中文手冊:
