  • 學位論文


A Study of CPBL Fan's Team Identity Impact on Fan's Loyalty-the Mediating Effects of Trust and Perceived Value

指導教授 : 張俊惠


棒球運動向來受國人關注,甚至被視為國球。近幾年臺灣中華職棒大聯盟賽事場均人數維持在5000~5500人次未見成長。2020年中職雖受到疫情影響延後開打,但在日本樂天集團的加入下,於4月率先全球開打,邁入充滿希望的第31年。本研究認為在新血樂天球團加入,以及全球爆發的疫情下率先開打的情況下,中華職棒已開始受到全球市場的關注。而是否有機會創造場均人數的高峰將是值得探討的課題。因此本研究將針對職棒有關進場觀看相關消費行為進行探討。 球迷進場乃是一個球迷忠誠行為,而過去有許多賽事相關研究顯示團隊識別是影響球迷忠誠最重要的關鍵前因。也有研究顯示,團隊識別要影響球迷的忠誠行為,需要經由信賴或知覺價值等加以中介,才能進一步影響球迷忠誠行為。也有研究認為信賴乃是知覺價值重要前因。據此,本研究探討團隊識別是否會直接影響球迷忠誠,抑或是需要經由信賴與知覺價值加以中介,才會影響球迷忠誠。 本研究使用SPSS22.0和LISREL8.71做為資料分析工具,透過結構方程模式分析得出以下結論: 一、在台灣棒球市場中,團隊識別會顯著影響球迷忠誠。 二、團隊識別在影響球迷忠誠中,信賴與知覺價值都扮演著重要的中介角色。


Baseball has always received high amounts of attention, and it is even regarded as a national sport in Taiwan. However, in the past few years the audience for each game, using statistics pulled from the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) has remained steady at 5000~5500 people without any increase. Due to the pandemic, CPBL was postponed inevitably, 2020 season still managed to start in April 2020 with the join of the Japan’s Rakuten Inc. Since CPBL is not only the first baseball league in the world to start off matches during the pandemic, but the very first time with teams run by other countries, this study believes that CPBL has started to attract attention from global market. Thus, no matter whether there is a chance to create a new peak in the number of audience, it is still a topic worth of inspection. Therefore, this study will focus on fan behaviors related to purchasing tickets of CPBL. Attendance at matches is a fan loyalty behavior, and many past studies claim team identification is the most important factor that leads to fan loyalty. Researches also indicate that team identification needs to be mediated by trust and perceived value before affecting fan loyalty behavior. Studies even implies that trust is an important antecedent of perceived value as well. This study aims to investigate whether team identification directly affects fan loyalty behavior, or it needs to be mediated by trust and perceived value before affecting fan loyalty. This study used SPSS 22.0 and LISREL 8.71 as data analysis tools, and has reached the following conclusions: 1. In Taiwan baseball market, team identification has significant impact on the fan loyalty. 2. Trust and perceived value plays important intermediary roles in the process of team identification impacting fan loyalty.


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周文賢 (2004)。多變量統計分析。台北市:智勝。
