  • 學位論文


The Study of EU Green Public Procurement

指導教授 : 陳麗娟


自工業革命以來,許多工業大國開始倡導永續發展,並且落實於國內。歐盟作為一個具有影響力的超國家組織,也不遺餘力的在全體會員國內推動永續發展,對歐盟來說,如何有效的穩定本身的經濟又能兼顧永續發展成為重要的議題之一,歐盟的公家機關每年花費相當於19%的歐盟國民生產總額,在如此龐大的金額下,歐盟必須思考如何採購最具有經濟效益的商品、勞務才可以使政府採購避免浪費,因此歐盟開始提倡綠色政府採購(Green Public Procurement,GPP)。 本論文首先探討國際的政府採購和綠色政府採購的發展,接著論述歐盟綠色政府採購的發展、歐盟綠色政府採購的法源、標準與流程,並且研究生命週期費用和環保標章在歐盟綠色政府採購之意義,最後透過研究歐盟會員國成功推動綠色政府採購的實際案例,檢視綠色政府採購於歐盟各會員國的實際狀況和成效,並瞭解歐盟推行的政策中,如何協調來自各會員國施行因不同的政治、經濟、文化等背景所產生的衝突,本文希望透過此項研究以探究歐盟在施行綠色政府採購的利弊得失,以作為我國的參考借鏡。


Since the Industrial Revolution, many industrialized countries began to promote sustainable development. The EU spent almost 19% of the GDP on public procurement every year. With such large of money, the EU has to considerate about avoiding waste during public procurement. The EU began to promote Green Public rocurement. This essay works on the Green Public Procurement of the EU in order to explain its background and its influence on the member states. This essay also to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the Green Public Procurement in the EU and member states.


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