  • 學位論文


The Research of Data Mining Techniques Applied To Market Segmentation of Telecommunication Industry

指導教授 : 廖述賢 黃振豊


我國電信自由化始於民國86年,並於民國87年開放四項行動通信業務及衛星通信業務予民間經營,而在民國91年政府開放第三代行動通訊業務之後,我國電信市場邁入全面自由化的嶄新局面。 在四項行動通訊業務中,行動電話因其便利性,最貼近一般大眾的生活,所以最具發展潛力,而隨著行動電話市場的擴張,各家業者的競爭也愈趨激烈,本研究主要探討的課題,是藉由分析消費者行為與電信業者的關聯性,提出市場區隔的建議及有效的行銷組合。 本研究以本體論的觀念,將消費者基本資料、行動電話產品、行銷通路及電信業者四個構面,做一概念化的描述,並透過資料探勘的技術,分別建置消費者、行動電話產品、行銷通路及電信行動業者的關聯性資料庫,利用關聯法則與集群分析的技術,分析消費者選購行動電話產品時所考量的因素,以此做為市場區隔的依據,此外,藉由消費者對行動電話產品的需求,以及選擇行銷通路、電信行動業者的資訊,發展出最適的行銷組合,讓行動電話相關業者更有利於進行銷售的活動,最後根據行銷通路、電信行動業者相關聯的資訊,提供異業聯盟的策略,並從研究內容與結果中,提出對電信相關業的管理意涵和對後續研究的建議,以期能使業者的競爭力有所提升。


Telecom liberalization trend in Taiwan has begun from 1997.It has opened 4 items of business for mobile telecommunication industry and satellite communication service business for private enterprise in 1998. After 3G mobile telecommunication business has opened in 2002, Taiwan’s telecom market has moved into fully liberalized. Due to the extension of the industry of mobile phone, the competition among companies have became increasingly intense. Therefore, suggest of segmentation and effective marketing mix has been proposed by analysising relation of consumer behavior and telecommunication practitioner. The thesis has based on the ontology concept and used four construct of the basic data for consumer, mobile phone, channel and telecommunication practitioner to do a conceptive description. Then it has used the technology of data mining to build the association database on consumer, mobile phone, channel and telecommunications practitioner. This thesis has employed the association rule and cluster analysis of data mining to analysis the factor what the consumer will consider on purchasing mobile phone. This thesis could also use it to make market segmentation. Based on consumer’s need of mobile phone、channel of choice and information of telecommunication business to develop appropriate market mix and help the sales for relevant telecommunication practitioner. According to relevant information of channel and telecommunication practitioner, the research has proposed the alliance strategy. According to results of this research, we could provide manage implication and advice for future researchers and help relevant practitioner to improve their competition capability.


Wang Y. F., Chuang Y. L., Hsu, M. H., & Keh H. C.(2004). A
3. 台灣大哥大股份有限公司, http://www.tcc.net.tw/


