  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of a Wireless Embedded Multimedia Recorder

指導教授 : 石貴平




嵌入式系統 智慧家電 Android Arduino WiFi NFC


In modern society, family members do not have much time for frequent interaction with each other. With the advances of wireless technology and electronic devices, developing smarter systems to improve the interation of family members is important. This paper employs “Wireless Networks” and “Near Field Communication” technology to design a “Home Multimedia Intersaction Machine” which applies the embedded architecture to work as a communication and transmission platform for electronic devices to exchange information through wireless network access. The “Home Multimedia Intersaction Machine” proposed in this paper is developed by adapting an Arduino embedded hardware cobined togheter with WiFi wireless network module, radio frequency identification module, and NFC technology. Users can input information or record voice message from a web page for any family member, and the receiver of the message, can simply use a portable NFC smartphone to read the message. Furthermore, the received information can be played repeatedly. The “Home Multimedia Intersaction Machine” developed in this paper enable family members to enjoy convenience and practicality communication elecronic devices based on wireless embedded system with low-cost condition.


Embedded System Smart Appliances Android Arduino WiFi NFC


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