  • 學位論文


The research of Taiwan's refugee policy(1945-2020)

指導教授 : 曾怡碩


在人類的歷史上一直存在著難民問題,不論是天災、內亂或者國與國之間的戰爭,都可能導致難民的產生。我國身為國際社會的一員,同時為「公民與政治權利國際公約」以及「經濟社會文化權利國際公約」的簽署成員,對於人權的重視自應不在話下,理應對於難民庇護持開放的態度。本研究亦針對幾個具有參考價值之先進國家的難民庇護制度進行研究,接著說明我國在難民庇護方面的歷史進程以及目前及未來可能所面臨的挑戰,最後針對台灣目前《難民法》的制定以及施行提出實務方面的建議,同時也對未來可持續發展的研究議題提出建議。 我國《難民法》草案從2007年初次審議至今仍擱置在立法院中,原因除了中國、香港、澳門之間的敏感政治情勢,是否將中港澳地區人民納入難民法適用範圍也曾有爭議,再者,接收難民需要瓜分國內的國家預算及資源,對多數國人而言亦非討喜且必要的政策。現行《難民法》草案也有一些爭議之處,如目前現行草案適用難民法之對象侷限於外國籍及無國籍人士(不包含中港澳居民)、被拒絕難民申請之後當事者沒有任何救濟程序、有保護傘條款、第三國條款及審查機制的限制等。 因為《難民法》尚未通過,目前台灣政府面對提出難民申請或庇護的個案,均是以低調及個案處理,多數個案均被執法單位視為居停留條件不符或入境資格或目的不符,隨即依現行相關法規遣返原出發國或第三國,難免給社會普遍觀感有程序不透明的疑慮、人權團體的反彈。雖然目前中港澳居民若有符合特定情形,得向台灣政府申請庇護,由陸委會專案主導處理,並可依兩岸條例及港澳條例給予申請者來台居停留資格,然審查資格非常嚴格,得以接受政治庇護來台之申請者相當少,多數申請者若以依親、就學或投資等方式,可能更易取得在台居停留之資格。 台灣面對的除了外來的難民或申請庇護者,台灣境內也有為數可觀的逃逸移工,在這樣的情況下有許多「幽靈寶寶」在社會底層中誕生,卻因為無國籍、無戶籍問題,可能居無定所、被迫遷徙,亦不得接受台灣與國籍及戶籍掛勾的醫療、教育或社會資源,這樣的情形下是否與台灣人權立國的宗旨亦背道而馳?與此同時,還有一群外籍人士因為社會運動、或母國政變等因素無法返回母國之狀況,進而滯留台灣,若無法延期簽證或居留、或護照逾期無法換發新護照,則僅能不斷地逾期滯留在台灣,以上這些族群都屬於被迫流離失所者,而當這些政府對於異議人士的壓迫日益加劇,台灣在缺乏一部正式的《難民法》的現實底下,實難以對這些人士提供有效的協助。 在2020年5月28日港版國安法通過後,亦讓台灣的難民法草案再度獲得一些討論聲浪,原因在於港版國安法之立法目的在於加強中國政府對香港的實質控制,使得未來該地區人權受迫害的人數恐更加劇,也說明了台灣通過一部得以適用之《難民法》之必要性。本文是以難民需求的角度出發所作的研究,並以整個流程作為軸線來分別提出相關的建議,本研究認為,短期來說應該在中港澳居民難民身分認定的部分,暫時繼續沿用兩條例來處理,但應該將兩條例適度修正,以正式的條例說明中國以及港澳地區的人民在申請庇護時可準用《難民法》,接續的權利義務也應同等地準用難民法,提供給中、港、澳地區人民與其他國籍申請者同樣的身份地位。而在難民申請程序方面,由於「審查」往往是政府單位最容易延宕的環節,亦應明定出接受審查的要件及明定初步審查的期限;最後《難民法》草案亦應就申訴或救濟方面提供更詳細的說明。


In the history of mankind, there has always been refugee problems. Whether it is due to natural disasters, civil wars or wars between countries, refugees are often the results of these incidents. As a member of the international community, Taiwan is also a signatory member of the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” and “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.” It is obvious that we value human rights and should be open to refugee asylum. In this article, the researcher first analyzes the refugee asylum system of other countries in the world. Then, the researcher investigates the historical process and challenges faced by the Taiwanese government when inventing the Refugee Law. Last, the research provides practical recommendations for Refugee Law formulation and implementation, such as the applicants of the Refugee Law shouldn't eliminate the people from Mainland, Hongkong and Macao, or no any relief procedure if the application has been rejected etc.. Since its initial review in 2007, the draft Refugee Law has not made much process. Couple with the sensitive political situation with China, Hong Kong, and Macao, Taiwanese government has adopted a case-by-case and confidential approach to refugee application. One the one hand, it can protect the safety of refugee applicants; on the other, it raises questions from the civil society about transparency and holding the government accountable. Chinese government has passed a new national security law for Hong Kong which makes it easier to punish protesters and reduces the city's autonomy last year. In the meanwhile, there are still a group of children which have been born in Taiwan without nations or household from illegal foreign workers. They have no any official resources for the medical care or social welfare, such as education or national health insurance in Taiwan. And the other group of foreign people in Taiwan who have participated the social movements had to overstay unwillingly in Taiwan due to the coup of their motherland. The lack of a formal Refugee Law in Taiwan has proved to be difficult for the Taiwan government to provide effective assistance for the above people. It also tells the imperative of legalizing Refugee Law.


refugee refugeelaw asylumseeker asylum statelessperson refugeepolicy


一. 專書或專書章節
伍慧萍(2016)。難民危機對德國政治、經濟與社會的影響。鄭春榮編,歐洲難民危機背景下的德國,頁14 - 40。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。
