  • 學位論文

休閒涉入、體驗品質、參觀滿意度與重遊意願之研究 ─ 以國立傳統藝術中心為例

The Study of Leisure Involvement, Experience Quality, Visitor Satisfaction and Revisiting Intention of Tourists - A Case Study of National Center for Traditional Arts

指導教授 : 黃志文


廿一世紀,全球觀光產業蓬勃發展,亞洲儼然成為全球旅遊的熱門市場,面對全球化的競爭,台灣亦積極推動發展相關產業。隨著消費價值型態由「服務經濟」轉變為「體驗經濟」,文化觀光產業成為消費經濟轉型的受惠者。台灣的文化觀光產業擁有多元化的發展潛力,如何成功行銷各地旅遊特色、積極拓展國內外觀光市場成為政府與民間的下一個重點目標。由於資訊和傳播媒體的快速發展,人們接收大量的訊息,休閒活動的型態更加多元化,觀光業者想要滿足消費者並提供旅遊更高的價值,除了必須加強服務品質之外,更需提供在娛樂、精神、藝文與刺激等層面的真實體驗以滿足消費者期望。體驗經濟改變了從前的消費過程和習慣,使休閒涉入和體驗品質在顧客消費過程中扮演著影響參觀滿意度和重遊意願的關鍵角色。 本研究以國立傳統藝術中心為例,探討遊客休閒涉入、體驗品質、參觀滿意度和重遊意願四者之間的影響關係,以結構方程模式進行分析與驗證。研究結果發現國立傳統藝術中心遊客之感受具有以下傾向: 1. 休閒涉入程度會直接影響體驗品質感受。 2. 休閒涉入程度會直接影響參觀滿意度。 3. 休閒涉入可透過體驗品質和參觀滿意度間接影響重遊意願。 4. 體驗品質感受會直接影響參觀滿意度。 5. 體驗品質可透過參觀滿意度間接影響重遊意願。 6. 參觀滿意度會直接影響重遊意願。


In twenty-one century, with the worldwide prosperity of tourism, Asia becomes one of the popular tourist attractions. Facing keen competition, Taiwan plays an active role in tourism. As time goes by, experience economy eventually replaces the traditional service economy. Cultured tourism emerges. Taiwan has a great potential in developing cultured tourism, the most important thing is how we can successfully promote our distinctive travel features and finally expand the domestic and overseas market. Due to the rapid growth of information mass media, people receive wide range of information, leading to diverse leisure activities. In order to fulfil visitor satisfaction and expectation, besides enhancing service quality, tourist industries need to add more real elements (vitality, relaxations, cultural and art, excitement) so as to increase experience quality. Experience economy changes previous spending habits, so that’s why leisure Involvement and experience quality play an important role in visitor satisfaction and revisiting intention sector. The purpose of this research was to study the influential relationships among National Center for Traditional Arts audiences’ leisure involvement, experience quality, visitor satisfaction, and revisiting intention. The survey was analyzed by applying the Structural Equation Modeling. The results of this study shows that for audiences who visited National Center for Traditional Arts have the some tendency as follows: 1. Leisure involvement directly influence experience quality. 2. Leisure involvement directly influence visitor satisfaction. 3. Leisure involvement can indirectly influence revisiting intention through experience quality and visitor satisfaction. 4. Experience quality directly influence visitor satisfaction. 5. Experience quality can indirectly influence revisiting intention through visitor satisfaction. 6. Visitor satisfaction directly influence revisiting intention.


蔡長清、歐怡琪、吳凱莉(2011)。速食業消費者之體驗品質、顧客價值與滿意程度關聯性研究-以摩斯漢堡和麥當勞為例。International Journal of LISREL,4(1),頁1-28。
