  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Class Management Beliefs and Strategies of Two Elementary School Higher Grader's Homeroom Teachers

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究的目的在探討二位國小高年級導師班級經營信念的形構背景、意涵、班級經營的策略以及其在面對的困境與因應的策略。本研究採質性的個案研究,以訪談為主,觀察與文件分析為輔,針對二位國小高年級導師進行研究。根據研究結果,提出本研究的結論如下: 壹、 兩位個案導師的班級經營信念的形塑是受到生命經驗中重要事件的影響 兩位高年級導師以其生命經驗的回溯,建構其班級經營的信念,大山老師能以學生當成他的中心,成為學生的靠山,樂於為學生解決問題。安妮老師願意陪伴青春期的學生一起成長,關心他們的身體和心理的健康、願意傾聽,為學生創造學習的機會。 貳、 耐性且確實實踐班級經營策略 (一) 學生方面 兩位高年級導師有其共同特質,細心、體貼、細膩、從大處著手、放手讓學生去做。將他們的經驗化成實際又能兼顧個別差異的班級經營策略,讓班級呈現一種家的溫暖。 (二) 家長方面 大山老師善用資源與家長溝通,技能掌握技巧,又能兼顧達到目的,進而取得家長的信任。安妮老師以一位母親的角色,同理家長為了工作又要兼顧家庭的辛苦,營造和諧又彼此信任的親師關係。 參、 面臨班級經營各項之困境時能與針對困境找出因應策略 大山老師在面對人本事件,願意退讓自己,成就家長,平息學校與家長之間的爭端,並在自消化情緒後,能反過頭來關心學生的情緒與心理狀態。用關心與愛的角度來面對班級經營困境,或許是最花時間、最無法立竿見影,但卻是最能感動人心,且淵遠流長。 安妮老師在面對班級經營的困境時,會以包容與同理心面對,盡一己之力,努力溝通與處理,無法解決之處,會尋求行政支援。 導師應本著教育愛,對於班上學生個別差異多尊重,得以因材施教,以身作則,成為學生的榜樣,處理學生的問題須多耐心、多關心,並能夠積極處理學生的事物,當然,更必須秉持著終身學習的態度,永遠精進自己,增進自己的專業能力,增廣自己的視野,才能帶領班級的孩子飛得更高、走得更遠。成為經師固然令人尊敬,但成為人師才更令人景仰。


This study aimed to investigate the classroom management of two senior-class homeroom teachers in elementary school in terms of their beliefs, beliefs forming context and strategies utilized as well as difficulties faced and the solutions. A qualitative case study was conducted. The data were collected and triangulated in following ways, interviews, observation and document analysis. According to the results, the conclusions are as follows: The case study revealed that the formation of classroom management beliefs was deeply affected by the important events of life in the two senior-class homeroom teachers. These two teachers had formed their classroom management beliefs based on the memories of their experiences of life. Teacher Da Shan had centered on his students and become a role to lean on to solve students’ problems. The other teacher, Teacher Annie was willing to keep her students of puberty company, taking care of them both mentally and physically. She was a good listener to create every possibility for students to learn. Their classroom management strategies were carried out thoroughly with great patience. For the students, both teachers had demonstrated some characters in common such as attentiveness, consideration, carefulness to tackle with issues in a macro perspective. Also they let the students shoulder the responsibilities which they were supposed to. Their classroom management strategies were practical and individualized which brought the class an atmosphere of home. For the parents, Teacher Da Shan made the best of the available resources to communicate with the parents and measure up the purposes. Moreover, he has earned the parents’ trust. Teacher Annie, as a mother, sympathized with the hardship which parents have to face creating a harmonious parent-teacher relation with mutual trust. When facing obstacles, they were able to deal with them properly. Teahcher Da Shan tried to settle down the dispute between the school and parents at the cost of his own concession. After his emotion has been peacefully restored, he took care of the psychological situation of the student in return. Handling classroom management crisis with caring and love may be time-consuming, painstaking but touching as well as everlasting. Teacher Annie faced the difficulties with toleration and empathy. She tried her best to cope with the difficult situations. If it is still beyond her reach, she will ask for support from the school administration. Based on love of education, teachers should pay reasonable respect to individual differences among students and become their role models. When dealing with students’ problems, patience and consideration are necessary. Moreover, as teachers, we should hold sound attitudes toward life-long learning, pursue professional development to broaden ones’ horizon of knowledge. Thus, we can guide the students to reach higher. It is good to teach, and better to educate.


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