  • 學位論文


A Study of Business Model Platform for Mobile Food Truck

指導教授 : 李月華


台灣行動餐車每月出車次數2,400次以上,營業額也達新台幣2,400萬元,而其行銷及營運模式還均停留在以社群媒體及傳統人工作業方式,以維持餐車業者的基本收入,並無有效管理營運進而推廣擴大。現行餐車業提供策展人以傳統紙本方式介紹,再電話連繫餐車。舉辦活動業者仍僅僅提供消費者傳統的介紹方式,例如:紙本導覽手冊等,此類的導覽侷限於靜態的文字和圖片,無法使消費者有更精緻的體驗和更深刻的印象。因此若能參考商業模分析出整體服務機制,再結合行動科技,不僅可以有效管理餐車,推廣活動增加餐車業者收入,透過商業模式發掘出潛在客戶及其他收入來源,應用行動科技使行動餐車更俱有科技感及趣味感達到吸引消費者目光。 以創新商業模式理論簡稱NICE及資訊通訊技術相關產品為基礎的NICE服務平台以創新模式之四個驅動因素,在實體商業的交易模式上,已被廣泛討論且接受,但在電子商務卻因為尚未有完整的行動市集商業交易模式和活動餐車管理而遲遲未被推行。 本研究欲建構出動餐車商業模式之NICE服務平台,其中內容有入會、舉辦活動、訂車、訂餐、取餐及請款等服務流程。發展出即時活動及餐車查詢及維護流程,建立一在雲端運算環境中的行動市集服務平台,並採用適地性服務技術提供旅客身歷其境的服務。最後使用專家訪談法驗證NICE服務平台架構的可行性。本研究將此NICE服務平台架構應用於智慧型行動裝置中,讓策展人和消費者在活動時,可透過本系統架構快速得到所需的環境資訊,達到活動旅遊的服務。


Abstract: Taiwan Food truck dispatching number has exceeded 2,400 per month and the revenue reached NT$ 24 millions. However, the marketing and operating model of Food Truck business remains in social media and traditional labor operation that can only sustain the basic operation and cost but can not expand the business. Currently, Food truck industrial provides hard-copy brochures or handouts to their curators for introducing their business to the public and the Food truck business can only be contacted through phone number on the handouts. The Marketing events of Food truck business is also limited in traditional approaches, such as: hard copy guide or hand books etc. This would leave the consumers only to a static text and pictures that would not provide delicate experience and impressive impression to the consumer. Therefore, if we can figure out a comprehensive service mechanism through analyzing business models and integrate it with mobile technologies, we can not only better manage Food truck business but also increase revenue through effective marketing activities . We can also develop prospects and other sources of income through effective business model. Mobile technologies make Food truck a fashion and interesting business which will attract more attentions from consumers. “Novelty、Lock-in、Complementaries and Efficiency, known as NICE in short,is a creative business model. A service platform for implementing NICE can be built by applying Information and communication technologies. This NICE platform has been discussed broadly and well accepted. However, it has not been popular in e-commerce because of lacking of comprehensive mobile market trading model and Food truck management model. This research plans to build a NICE service platform for Food truck business. It will include service processes for admission, activities, truck reservation, meal reservation, pick up and payment. It will also provides cloud services for real time inquiry for activities, Food truck and maintenance through mobile devices, It will adapt Local Base System that can provide a vivid service to customer. At last, the feasibility of the NICE service platform will be verified by profession visiting. This research enable intelligent mobile devices operate on NICE service platform which allows curator and consumers to access environment information easily and quickly, to reach the service form activities in tourism.


Business Model Food Truck Tourism Platform


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