  • 學位論文


A correlative study on technology usage with technology learning style and visual thinking for Digital Natives : the case study of Tamkang University's students

指導教授 : 柯志恩


本研究旨在探討數位原生的數位科技使用、數位學習特質與圖像思考的相關研究。研究對象為出生於1980後的數位原生,本研究以利用立意取樣的方式,選擇淡江大學學生為例,取得正式樣本237份,所使用的研究工具為「數位科技產品使用傾向調查表」、「數位學習特質量表」及「圖像思考題」。所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元回歸分析等統計方法進行分析,歸納研究結果如下: 1. 數位原生經常使用數位科技產品,其目的偏向和他人互動及娛樂,並認為自己有圖像認知和知覺依賴等特質。 2. 數位原生能將圖像表徵,但僅能對圖象表達淺層的想法,實際將概念統整表述的能力不如預期。 3. 數位原生圖像思考的能力和使用數位科技的狀況有關,越傾向文字的使用者,圖像思考能力越好。 4. 數位原生使用數位科技越傾向接觸圖像者,越具有數位學習特質;越傾向接觸文字者,越不具有數位學習特質。 5. 數位原生的數位學習特質和圖像思考有關聯,越能主動運用圖像思考,圖像思考能力越好。 6. 語言表述狀況、平行思考和圖像認知等數位學習特質對圖像思考能力具有預測力。 依據研究結果與討論,研究者提出對未來研究及教育上的意見與建議,以供學校教師作為教學上的參考依據。


The purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation between technology usage, technology learning style and visual thinking for the Digital Natives, who are limited in this research to those who are borne after 1980. The researcher adopts purposive sampling to collect 237 valid samples in Tamkang University. The tools include “Technology Usage Questionnaire,” “Technology learning style scale,” and “Visual Thinking Test.” The gathered data are analyzed by several statistical procedures, such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The major findings are as followings: 1. The Digital Natives usually use digital technology products with the purpose to interact and entertain with the participants, and they regard themselves to have the digital learning style of “pictorial cognition” and “perceptive dependence.” 2. The Digital Natives can represent the images but only in a shallow way. Factually, they hold poorer ability to illustrate the ideas than their self-estimation. 3. The visual thinking ability of the Digital Natives is related to how they make use of digital technology. The more they tend to use the writing system, the better their visual thinking is. 4. Those Digital Natives who tend to use digital technology with images are marked more on technology learning style. On the contrary, those who tend to approach words, the less. 5. The technology learning style of the Digital Natives are related to visual thinking. The more actively they think via image, the better visual thinking ability they own. 6. The traits of digital learning style such as language expression ability, parallel thinking and pictorial cognition are predictors on the visual thinking. Based on the abovementioned results and discussions, the researcher could provide some recommendations and consultations in education and research in the future.




