  • 學位論文


Acceptance of Japanese Loanwords in Taiwan: Focusing on Tourism Vocabulary

指導教授 : 林寄雯


日治時代以來,台灣人的生活中充滿了日本文化的影響,並且在中文裡使用許多日語詞彙。觀光業界便經常使用「一泊二食」、「人氣景點」等日語借用語。日語的借用現象與接受狀況在各方面都有深入探討的價值,故本研究以觀光用語為中心,探討日語借用語的接受度。   第二章和第三章抽出20個觀光用語,從兩個層面分析使用狀況。一是從「台灣新聞智慧網」進行考察。從文獻以及旅遊行程、廣告摺頁等資料中整理出詞彙,並使用資料庫搜尋,歸納出詞彙在報紙裡的使用量、使用方法,以及進入台灣之後產生的複合語。二是以問卷方式,考察詞彙認知與日常生活中的實際接受度。調查住在台灣的中文母語者對於這些借用語的認知,以及是否接觸、是否理解、是否使用這些詞彙。   問卷調查的結果顯示,無論詞彙認知結果如何,受訪者會在日常生活中使用的借用語共有13個。針對受訪者認為是中文的詞彙,多數受訪者會在日常生活中使用,並且在報紙裡的使用實例也較多。受訪者認為是日文,同時會使用的詞彙中,一部分在報紙裡的使用實例較少。由此可推測:借用語的使用上,存在說和寫的差異。今後的研究課題將針對說和寫的使用差異,進一步探討。


Japanese culture has affected daily life in Taiwan since the Japanese colonization. Lots of Japanese words are used in Chinese. Japanese loanwords, such as ”一泊二食” and ”人氣景點” are used in tourism industry frequently. The acceptance of Japanese and how the words are borrowed are worth exploring. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the acceptance of Japanese loanwords used in tourism in Taiwan. In Chapter2 and Chapter3, I analyzed the word use of 20 tourism vocabularies from 2 different aspects. One is the collection of the word use from “台灣新聞智慧網”. The other is a survey on the word recognition and acceptance. The main findings of the survey are that 13 out of the 20 chosen loanwords are used in daily life. The chosen loanwards which are recognized as Chinese are not only used by the interviewees but also shown in the newspapers frequently. On the other hand, some of the words which the interviewees recognized as Japanese are used in daily life, but relatively not used in newspapers. It can be seen that there is a difference between speaking and wrtting on the use of loanwords. The further research of the difference between speaking and wrtting is needed.


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