  • 學位論文

台灣現有行動支付產業行銷策略之研究- 以AI工具分析

Study of Marketing Strategies of Taiwan’s Existing Mobile Payment Industry- Analysis with AI Tools

指導教授 : 何怡芳


現代人的生活不只追求快速更追求便利,故於新時代的科技推進下,發展出行動支付來加速日常生活中需要結帳的過程。而在疫情的肆虐下,此種舉動更可減少接觸,因此大受歡迎。政府也於近幾年中舉辦各項活動來鼓勵使用,希望提高行動支付的使用率。而根據根據 Grand View Research 2021 年的資料預測,2030 年行動支付市值可達 $405.9 億美元,年均複合成長率(Compound annual growth rate)更可達 35.3%,有如此看好的前景,可見行動支付產業發展潛力不容小覷。 基於上述研究觀點,本研究將先前提者Xu(2017)所提出之研究架構中加入人口統計變數以探討使用行動支付及非使用行動支付之使用意願為何,補足先前學者所未探討的因素,進而了解原因以及以消費者角度為出發點,業者又該於何處做改善。 本研究共回收290份有效問卷,其中針對有使用之行動支付與未使用的民眾以SPSS 22.0 作為資料分析工具,並透過迴歸分析驗證與AI分析,得以下結論: 感知利益與使用意願具有正向影響 感知風險與使用意願具有正向影響 從眾行為與使用意願具有正向影響 行銷推廣與使用意願具有正向影響 產品創新與使用意願具有正向影響 人口統計變數與使用意願具有正向影響


Modern people’s life not only pursues quick but also pursue convenience. Thanks to the development of technology, mobile payment is now all the rage as mobile devices become more and more prevalent. In the epidemic era mobile payment can reduce contact, so the government held many activities to increase the rate of usage rate. According to the 2021 data of Grand View Research, Mobile payment value can be US$40.59 billion in 2030, and the compound annual growth rate will reach 35.3%. This statistic shows that the Mobile payment industry is a promising prospect. Based on the above viewpoints, this study integrates demographic variables into the premise Xu framework which is proposed in 2017 it supplements the factors that have not been explored by previous scholars and to understand the problems of realities. A total of 290 valid questionnaires were collected in this study, we used SPSS 22.0 and AI Tools as a data analysis tool for those who used mobile payment and those who did not use it. Through regression analysis verification and AI analysis, the following were the research results: 1.Customer Perceived profit has a positive impact with use intention with mobile payment. 2.Perceived Risk has a positive impact with use intention with mobile payment. 3.The Group Effects has a positive impact with use intention with mobile payment. 4.Marketing Promotion has a positive impact with use intention with mobile payment. 5.Product Innovation has a positive impact with use intention with mobile payment. 6.Demographic Variables has a positive impact with use intention with mobile payment.


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