  • 學位論文


Exploring the Difference of Cultural Quotient and It’s Impact on Self-Efficacy between MBA and EMBA Students

指導教授 : 王居卿


在現今全球化的環境下,不只是跨國企業會面臨多國籍員工共同合作一起共事,即使是一般企業也可能因供應鏈全球化而需與分佈在世界各地的供應商溝通並且協同合作。知名學者指出管理者在面對市場全球化環境中,如何管理來自世界各地由不同文化所組成的全球員工是最主要的挑戰之一,而文化智商或全球化思維更是成功領導者所需具備之關鍵能力。 國內公私立大學商管學院的MBA及EMBA學程,主要目的均是培育產業趨勢管理領導人才,目前碩士班學程背景結構包含大學畢業繼續升學的族群,也包括來自不同學制和不同產業界的在職人士,而在社會資源及校際資源的層面上也存在著多樣化的差異性,由於背景結構多元以及社會歷練、工作經歷的差異,因此在跨文化能力上理應會具有差異性,了解具體實際差異情形及程度是本研究的主要目的。而相關的研究指出文化智商的認知CQ、動機CQ和行為CQ等構面和自我效能是有所關聯的,因此具備文化智商對碩士生的自我效能是否具有關鍵影響,也是本研究另一個主要探討的課題。 本研究以碩士一般生(MBA)及碩士在職專班(EMBA)的在校生為 主要研究對象,採用便利性抽樣方式,旨在研究探討MBA與EMBA學生兩者族群在跨文化智商上是否存在差異性及對其自我效能之影響。經256份的有效樣本之統計分析及檢定,本研究有下列一些重要的發現: 1. MBA學生的文化智商程度顯著高於EMBA學生; 2. EMBA學生的跨文化溝通程度高於MBA學生,但未達顯著水準; 3. MBA學生之文化智商對其自我效能有顯著正向影響; 4. EMBA學生之文化智商對其自我效能有正向影響,但未達顯著水準; 5. MBA、EMBA學生之跨文化溝通能力對其自我效能有顯著正向影響。 關鍵字:全球化、碩士生、文化智商、跨文化溝通能力、自我效能


In the globalization environments, cross-cultural communication and cooperation in different nations’ colleagues are not only for multinational companies but also for general local enterprises due to the diversified supply chains locate all over the world. Well-known experts have indicated that how to manage the employees from different cultures around the world is the most critical challenge, cultural quotient and globalization mindset is the key capability to be a success leader. MBA and EMBA programs of Business Administration is to educate the leading talents to be professional in industries management in the future. The background consists of the university graduates, as well as who is from other academic system or in-service personnel which has diversified social and scholastic resources. Further as there are many diversifications in social and working experiences, thus there should be a gap of the capability of cross-cultural understanding, the purpose of this research is to understand the actual difference in between. Relevant researches point out the cognitive CQ, motivational CQ and behavioral CQ are linked to self-efficacy, so to identify whether cultural quotient has impact on a master student of self-efficacy is another key objective as well. This study is based on MBA and EMBA students and use convenience sampling method to study whether there are differences in cultural quotient between MBA and EMBA students and whether has the impact on their self-efficacy. After statistical analysis and testing of 256 valid samples, some important findings of this study are as follows: 1.The cultural quotient of MBA students is significantly higher than EMBA students. 2.EMBA students have a higher level of cross-cultural communication competence than MBA students, but not at a significant level. 3.The cultural quotient of MBA students has a significant positive impact on their self-efficacy. 4.The cultural quotient of EMBA students has a positive impact on their self-efficacy, but it does not reach a significant level. 5.Whatever MBA or EMBA students, their cross-cultural communication competence has a significant positive impact on self-efficacy.


工商時報(2014)。台灣高階女主管比率 退步。
