  • 學位論文


The Application of Relationship Marketing on Social Community for Future Printed Leisure Book Enterprise in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李旭華


隨著網路科技、行動商務與社群網路的發達,致使使用者的大量增加,社群網路如同真實世界的社群,成員間彼此分享某些共同的經驗、語言、符號,甚至儀式等文化規範。對於現下許多企業而言,社群網站的經營已是不可不為之趨勢;然而於網路社群所採行之行銷策略勢必與過往有所不同。另外,也由於今日人們的日常生活高度仰賴網際網路,網路購物、社群行銷甚至是行動數位化生活的風氣,全球是越演越烈,因此對於圖書出版業和實體零售書店業等與紙本書相關產業造成莫大衝擊,紛紛尋求轉型之道。 在國內針對社群網路的行銷方式,且應用於圖書出版業與實體書店業的業者行為之相關研究並不多見。因此本研究冀從產業業者行銷行為的角度為出發點,並且以圖書出版業與實體零售通路書店業的產業觀點,來探討其中行為及其影響效果。 本研究採用質性研究中的深度訪談法(In-depth interview),針對在國內「娛樂休閒類書籍」此領域中,較具知名度,且與同業相較,佔有一定市場佔有率之圖書出版社與實體書店,於其中經營社群網站經驗豐富的行銷專責人員為本次主要之受訪對象,依據受訪者回答內容再結合關係行銷相關理論以及各專家學者文獻,據此對於業者進行網路社群行銷策略提出分析、說明以及建議。


With the advances in Internet technology, mobile commerce and social networks, resulting in the large number of users increase, the community network is like real-world community among the members, who share some common experience, language, symbols, or even the ceremony and other cultural norms. For now many companies, the business of social networking websites is the trend; however, the marketing strategy adopted in the Internet community is bound to differ from the previous. In addition, people’s daily lives today rely heavily on the Internet, online shopping, community marketing and even atmosphere of mobile digital life, becoming increasingly severe in the world, so the book publishing industry, the retail bookstore industry and the printed book industry cause a great impact, and all are looking for a transformation way. The study of the social network about marketing strategy used in the book publishing industry and the retail bookstore industry is rare in Taiwan. Therefore, we hope that the starting point from the view of industry marketing behavior, and exploring its acts and effects of the industrial point of the book publishing industry and the retail bookstore industry. In this study, are discussed qualitative research method of In-depth interview is used, the respondents of the study are working in book publishing industry and the retail bookstore industry for “entertainment books ” area, compared with same industry with more visibility and having a certain market share in Taiwan. Furthermore, they have wealth of marketing experience in social network. According to the respondents, Relationship Marketing theory is presented in the literature review, providing the analysis, recommendation and marketing strategy of the online community for business owner.


編輯部(2012年1月)。「解讀2012消費趨勢」。Business Next 數位時代,212期,頁52-54。


