  • 學位論文


The Process of Counselors’ Sexuality and Gender Awareness-Counselor’s Sexuality and Gender Training as an Example.

指導教授 : 洪素珍


本研究旨在瞭解諮商師故期待透過本研究能了解諮商師在性與性別概念上的覺察與反思內涵,並透過諮商師參與「性和性別訓練團體」的經驗進一步了解諮商師在性與性別思考的轉變歷程,包括參與團體前後諮商師對性與性別相關議題覺察狀況、對個案性與性別相關議題的看待與處理及分析團體前後諮商師在性與性別價值觀改變的思考歷程,及其對個案之影響。本研究以詮釋學觀點的深度訪談進行資料蒐集,並經由詮釋循環及透過研究中視域融合的共構意義過程,對受訪之對話主題有新的理解。最後,研究者以「整體一部份一整體」的詮釋循環解析來分析資料。 經分析詮釋後,首先呈現受訪者在團體中的經驗與發現,再分別詮釋性與性別上的探索覺察後對諮商師在個人和諮商專業上之改變,最後針對諮商師於團體後對諮商專業工作的省思與統整。 本研究結果重要的發現有以下三點:第一,諮商師個人在性/性別議題上之覺察與反思歷程,從原本的「性/性別察覺階段」到「性/性別意識覺醒階段」;第二,受訪者透過團體發現,諮商師與個案的互動不僅是兩個人的交會,而是代表者不同的社會團體,分別代表了不同的社會位置在發聲與互動,且諮商師和個案同處的社會文化不但影響其性別處境,並於彼此共構的諮商關係中,影響著諮商的發展與諮商歷程;第三,在性/性別意識實踐上,研究者進一步發現受訪者個人性/性別實踐程度比起諮商工作性/性別覺醒上較為緩慢。 最後根據研究結果,分別對諮商心理師、諮商專業教育者以及未來研究提出建議。


The aims of this study were to explore the counselors’ awareness and reflection in the concept of sexuality and gender. Furthermore, by their attending at “Counselor’s Sexuality and Gender Training”, the process of the counselors’ conversion in the thinking of sexuality and gender can be more understood, which includes the counselors’ awareness of sexuality and gender on related issues before and after the training, their perspectives on the cases, the way they handle them in regard to the sexuality and gender related issues, and the analysis on the thinking process of the counselors’ conversion in the values of sexuality and gender before and after the training and the influences on their cases. In-depth interview with hermeneutics perspective was employed in this research. The researcher’s reflexive thinking was also involved in the process. Through hermeneutic circle and the fusion of horizons constructing process, the subjects and the researcher both have come to a new understanding on the topics of conversation. In the end, the researcher analyzed the context by the “whole-part- whole” of hermeneutic circle. Trough the analysis and interpretation, the interviewers’ experience and discovery during the training are manifested first. Then, it shows the changes in the counselors themselves and their profession in counseling after their exploration and awareness of sexuality and gender by interpreting them respectively. Finally, it focuses on the counselors’ reflection and organization in their professional works after the training. The major findings of this research are as below: First, the counselors’ awareness and the reflective thinking process on the sexuality and gender related issues: from the level of “sexuality/gender awareness” to the level of “sexuality/gender consciousness”. Second, through the training, the counselors find out the interaction between them and their clients is not only a simple interaction of two people but also an interactive relationship between two different groups which represent different social status. Furthermore, the culture where the counselors and their clients live in not does not only has an impact on their gender status but it also has influence on the counseling development and process occurring in their relationship. Third, researcher discovers that counselors have slower pace to achieve their personal sexual and gender practice than in their counseling practice. Finally, based on the results of this research, the researcher offers some recommendations as reference materials for counselors, counseling training and further studies.




