  • 學位論文


A case study of the transformation strategy of the supplementary education industry in response to the spirit of the new curriculum-taking curriculum and teaching as an example

指導教授 : 吳清基


本研究指我國在108學年度實施新課綱,「教育是國家未來的希望;亦是國家競爭力的基礎。」政府推動十二年國民基本教育之目的亦在於此,其中的「素養教育」其內涵以及精神為何?以及其課程與教學如何融入補教產業?均是相當值得探討的。此外,因為少子女化,家長對教育的要求更加精緻化,補習班的角色也正在轉型,在十二年國民教育新課綱素養精神下的補習機構現況發展以及課業輔導補習班課程與教學方面對於未來之經營策略為何?亦是補習班業者及家長都急於知道的,乃為本研究探討的重點。 本研究透過訪談方式獲得結論: 1.新課綱實施後,對受訪補教業之衝擊與變化是: 家長詢問課程規劃時間變長、課程規劃大調整、課程安排範圍增加、課程增加素養題材。 2.108新課綱對補教業老師在課程與教學上遭遇的困境與看法是: 課程規劃難度增加、素養題材備課比重增加、課程安排範圍增加。 3.個案補教產業對於素養導向課程的規劃專業化的因應策略是 : 掌握情境學習及整合相關領域原則、規劃的課程架構的層次與完整性、確認核心問題來規劃核心素養課程。 4.個案補教產業對於素養導向教學內容客製化的因應策略是 : 因材施教、從校訂教材來調整課程與教材規劃、依學生背景客製化。 5.個案補教產業對於素養導向學習評量(精熟化)的因應策略是 : 自建題庫。 6.個案補教產業對於素養導向學習資源多元化的因應策略是: 教育部部定平台官方資料、根據出版社選參考教材。 本研究對補教產業提出的建議有以下六項: 1.鼓勵教師進修。 2.配合教育政策教學。 3.融入素養課程規劃。 4.創新客製教學策略。 5.加強家長對新課綱之溝通。 6.有效學生課業輔導。


The purpose of this study is to understand the current development, challenge and future development direction of the supplementary education industry after the implementation of the 108 new curriculum in China, and also to explore the strategy of the new curriculum spirit for the transformation of the curriculum and teaching of the remedial education industry. Taking the head teacher, teacher and administrative staff of a remedial education industry who have been in business for thirty years as the research object, and using the self-edited interview outline as the research tool for analysis and discussion this study draws conclusions through semi-structured interviews: 1. After the implementation of the new curriculum syllabus, the impacts and changes on the supplementary education interviewed are: parents inquired about longer curriculum planning time, major adjustments in curriculum planning, increased scope of curriculum arrangements, and increased literacy topics in the curriculum. 2.The 108 new curriculum syllabus has the following dilemmas and views on the curriculum and teaching of supplementary education teachers: the difficulty of curriculum planning increases, the proportion of literacy subject preparations increases, and the scope of curriculum arrangements increases. 3. The corresponding strategies of the case-based supplementary education industry for the planning and professionalization of literacy-oriented courses are: mastering contextual learning and integrating principles of related fields, the level and integrity of the planned curriculum structure, and identifying core issues to plan core literacy courses. 4. The corresponding strategies of the case-based supplementary education industry for the customization of literacy-oriented teaching content are: teaching students according to their talents, adjusting the curriculum and teaching materials planning from the revision of teaching materials, and customizing according to the student's background. 5. The response strategy of the case-based supplementary education industry for literacy-oriented learning assessment (precision) is: self-build question bank. 6. The corresponding strategies of the case-based supplementary education industry for the diversification of literacy-oriented learning resources are: the Ministry of Education determines the official platform of the platform, and selects reference textbooks based on the publishing house. This research proposes the following six recommendations for the supplementary education industry: 1. Encourage teachers to further study. 2. Cooperate with education policy teaching. 3. Integration into literacy curriculum planning. 4. Innovative customized teaching strategies. 5. Strengthen the communication between parents on the new curriculum. 6. Effective student tutoring.


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