  • 學位論文

美利堅的大國崛起:以 1914-1918 年歐戰為例

The Rise of the United States of America as a Great Power : The Case of the European War, 1914-1918

指導教授 : 黃介正


1914年,一個年輕的無政府主義者刺殺了奧地利的斐迪南大公,由此觸發第一次世界大戰,但這場戰爭變得曠日持久,並且蔓延到世界其他地區。第一次世界大戰爆發時,美國是並沒有參戰的。而到了1917年,最初參戰的各國已經精疲力竭,沙皇俄國甚至倒台了之後,美國才參戰。正是美國的參戰讓第一次世界大戰徹底倒向了協約國占優勢的一方,並最終導致了協約國的勝利和同盟國那一方的失敗。 在歐洲列強打成一團的時候,美國趁機把勢力拉丁美洲。雖然美國建國之初就發表門羅宣言聲稱「美洲是美洲人的美洲」,但直到一戰爆發後美國人才大著膽子深入地把拉丁美洲變成自己的後花園。就這樣美國在一戰初期大發戰爭財,還把政治影響力擴展到了之前從沒達到過的地方。 美國參加第一次世界大戰對國內影響,引用一句話是威爾遜總統的傳記作家在《第一次世界大戰與美國:美國人參戰紀實》一書中寫道,「第一次世界大戰永遠地改變了美國的民族性格。在戰爭初期向遙遠國度提供了人道救援之後,美國基於道義而採取了進一步行動,為和平與自由而舉國投入。」這場戰爭確定了美國在國際事務中的領導地位。在國內,戰爭擴大了政府的規模和權限,在成千上萬婦女從軍或接替辛苦的工廠崗位後,婦女獲得了選舉權。曾在法國英勇作戰的非裔美國人,回國後開始了長達幾十年的反種族隔離鬥爭。 美國向英法等國提供了大量的物資援助,這是美國在一戰中最大的功勞。有了充足的物資,英法兩國發動了一系列的戰役。美國的加入戰爭與俄國退出戰爭,戰爭的形勢又恢復到了原來的狀態。美國在第一次世界大戰中的關鍵作用是美國的參與使這場造成歐洲生靈塗炭的戰爭走向結束。


The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria by a young anarchist in 1914 triggered World War I, but the war became protracted and spread to other parts of the world. When World War I broke out, the United States was not involved in the war. It was only in 1917, after the initial participants had been exhausted and Tsarist Russia had even fallen, that the United States entered the war. It was the participation of the United States in the war that turned the First World War completely in favor of the Allies, and eventually led to the victory of the Allies and the defeat of the Allies. While the European powers were fighting together, the United States took the opportunity to expand its power in Latin America. Although the United States issued the Monroe Declaration at the beginning of the nation's existence, claiming that "America is America for the Americans," it was not until after the outbreak of World War I that the United States boldly and deeply turned Latin America into its own backyard. In this way, the United States made a fortune in war at the beginning of World War I and extended its political influence to places it had never reached before. The domestic impact of America's participation in World War I was, to quote President Wilson's biographer in his book, World War I and America: An American Account of the War, "forever changed the national character of the United States. After providing humanitarian relief to distant lands in the early days of the war, the United States took further action on moral grounds, committing the nation to peace and freedom. The war established the United States as a leader in international affairs. At home, the war expanded the size and authority of government, and women gained the right to vote after tens of thousands of women joined the military or took over hard-working factory jobs. African Americans, who had fought bravely in France, returned home and began a decades-long struggle against segregation. The U.S. provided a large amount of material aid to Britain and France, which was the greatest contribution of the U.S. in WWI. With sufficient supplies, Britain and France launched a series of battles. With the entry of the United States and the withdrawal of Russia from the war, the situation of the war was restored to its original state. The key role of the United States in World War I was that its participation in the war brought an end to the war that had caused so much suffering in Europe.


B.M. Boctob 著(1979)。高長榮譯。《外交史》。香港:三聯出版社。
Daniel J. Boorstin 著(1989)。時殷弘譯。《美國人:殖民地的經歷》。上海:譯文出版社。
