  • 學位論文


Poverty Reduction in Vietnam and Marriage Migration to Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


越南政府自1986年開始經濟改革開放同時對內推動減貧工作。以購買力平價低於每天1.25美元衡量貧窮人口比例,過去的二十年裏,在世界銀行的協助下,越南的貧窮人口比例已經從1993年的58%下降到2012年的2.5%,顯示越南已經在減貧方面取得顯著進展,這是國際間極少數成功減貧的實例,減貧成功有助提升經濟發展力,經濟成長可降低貧窮發生的機會。20世紀90年代,臺灣資金大舉進入越南,臺商與越南的接觸頻繁,加上兩國人民經濟水平相差甚大,越南貧窮女性為了讓原生家庭財富的增加,臺灣成為她們上嫁的理想國度;而透過跨國婚姻而來的移入配偶對原生家庭經濟的貢獻不僅提高收入,更多在非消費品方面。 本研究探討的核心問題在於減貧成效與跨國婚姻移民間的關係。越南減貧成效顯著是事實,越配依舊維持相當比例的人數遠嫁來臺,顯示越配來台的動機不只是為了扶助原生家庭的貧窮;個人尊嚴、女男平權及原生家庭於原鄉社會網絡地位的提升,才是讓這些貧窮越南女性願意遠嫁的推力。


The government of Vietnam made renovation in 1986, and meanwhile it also reduced poverty interiorly. With the poverty headcount ratio of the World Bank, poverty trend( by international standards): people living on less then $1.25 a day, dropped from 58%(1993) to 2.5%(2012) during the past two decades. This brings out the fact that Vietnam has made obvious progress in poverty reduction, one of the few successful examples internationally. The successful experience helps enhance the economic development, and the prosperity in economy reduces the causes of poverty. In 1990s, large amounts of capital from Taiwan invested in Vietnam resulted in the frequent interaction between Taiwanese investors and Vietnamese people. The great disparity in economic development level between the two countries made Taiwan the ideal country for the poor Vietnamese brides who wanted to increase the wealth of their families of origin. However, by way of cross-cultural marriage, the brides contributed to their families of origin more in the aspect of non-consumer goods than in income growth. The core issue of this research is based upon the connection between the effectiveness of the poverty reduction and the marriage immigration. Although it stands as a fact that the the Vietnamese government achieves greatly in reducing poverty, the number of Vietnamese brides still remains at a certain percentage. The result reveals that the intent of the Vietnamese brides immigrating to Taiwan isn’t only to contribute to their families of origin financially. Self-dignity, equal rights for men and women, and the rise in social status are the main propulsive factors that make the poor Vietnamese females willingly far marry an alien land.


