  • 學位論文

支援居家養老之 BLE 5.0 網狀網路拓撲與通訊協定研究

Topology Control and Communication Protocol of BLE 5.0 Mesh Networks for Supporting Elderly Home Care

指導教授 : 張志勇 郭經華


隨著科技以及醫療的進步,人類的壽命越來越長,為了偵測老人獨自在家中時突然發生危險事件,本論文探討藍牙Mesh網路對緊急事件提出省電且低延遲傳輸時間之通訊技術,針對藍牙拓樸的設計、緊急路徑的建置、發布及訂閱機制進行研究,使得本論文所建立的 Mesh Network能夠達到省電、低功耗且能在緊急事件發生的時候能夠快速且穩定的進行傳輸。在拓樸方面,本論文結合樹狀拓樸以及網狀拓樸的優點,越接近閘道器,其結構越接近網狀拓樸,具有網狀拓樸的高分散力,反之,越遠離閘道器,其結構越像樹狀拓樸,使各設備能因節省鏈結之維護而達到省電的優點。在緊急路徑的建置方面,有鑑於事件發生時,同一房間的緊急感測器容易同時發出警報,本論文所提的通訊技術,使同一房間緊急感測器的路徑分開,讓緊急感測器能夠快速且不發生碰撞,成功的傳輸緊急資訊到網關,但不同房間的緊急路徑共用,使網路的維護能達到省電的目的。在發布及訂閱機制方面,本論文在其模型的參數上依據事件的重要性進行特殊設計,降低封包傳輸發生碰撞的機率,並提升重要事件傳輸的成功率。最後,實驗顯示,本論文所用的拓樸相較於其他拓樸還要省電,而且其緊急事件的傳輸速率相較於其他論文還要更加快速及提高成功率。


無線感測網路 藍牙


With the progress of science and technology and medical treatment, human life is getting longer and longer. In order to detect the elderly people's sudden danger when they are alone at home, this paper discusses the Bluetooth mesh network to put forward the communication technology of saving power and low delay transmission time for emergency, and studies the design of Bluetooth topology, the establishment of emergency path, the mechanism of publishing and subscribing, which makes this paper established Mesh Network can achieve power saving, low power consumption and can be fast and stable transmission in case of emergency. In terms of topology, this paper combines the advantages of tree topology and mesh topology. The closer to the gateway, the closer its structure is to the mesh topology, and has the high dispersion power of mesh topology. On the contrary, the farther away from the gateway, the more its structure is like tree topology, which makes the devices more like tree topology In the construction of emergency path, because the emergency sensors in the same room are easy to alarm at the same time, the communication technology proposed in this paper can separate the paths of the emergency sensors in the same room, so that the emergency sensors can transmit the emergency information to the gateway quickly and without collision The emergency path sharing in the living room makes the maintenance of the network save power. In terms of the publish and subscribe mechanism, the parameters of the model are specially designed according to the importance of the event, so as to reduce the probability of packet transmission collision and improve the success rate of important event transmission. Finally, the experiment shows that the topology used in this paper is better than other topologies Compared with other papers, the transmission rate of emergency is faster and the success rate is improved.


Wireless sensor network Bluetooth


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