  • 學位論文


To explore the social interest and savoring life of middle-aged women participating in volunteer service

指導教授 : 宋鴻燕


本研究旨在探討中年女性參與志願服務的社會情懷與品味生活,根據阿德勒心理學的社會情懷和正向心理學的品味(Savoring)概念,分析中年女性的社會情懷發展形成,並將其對外展現於志願服務之品味生活。 本研究為質性研究,資料採用「整體內容」分析架構,採用半結構式的深度訪談,以立意取樣的方式,蒐集五位50-64歲中年女性社會情懷與品味生活的訪談資料,將一次訪談的資料依主題予以整理、歸納與分析。依據研究目的和問題,本研究分析結果得出研究結論如下:(一)中年女性從早期至今的社會情懷發展形成受到家庭環境、父母榜樣、宗教信仰和個人特質之因素影響,家庭是個人早期各項能力和社會情懷的蒙芽及培訓之所;有了此根基,女性到了中年仍回歸於原念繼續展現社會情懷於外投入其一之志願服務。(二)社會情懷是一種在群體中能力的養成、一種發自內心對人的共感和慈悲心、一種與人關係的連結和共舞,竟而在關係中促進健康正向的連結,亦是一自我與他人間的關係,助人助己相互幫助,一種生活品質的提升。「能力、養成、群體」是社會情懷長成的三種主要養份;「共感、連結、共舞」這三樣是社會情懷展現之後與人關係互動中而生出的三種連帶效應(三)中年女性藉由參與志願服務,帶出正向情緒感受:品味在群體中的學習而延伸和展現生命而更加興盛、品味自我的價值和自尊擁有歸屬感而滿足、品味促發愛不斷地流動和分享、品味關係的感恩促進個人靈性啟發和呼召而喜悅;「生命力、學習、群體」這三樣是社會情懷和品味生活共組成的三元素,「價值、關係、分享」這三樣是社會情懷的品味生活所帶出的三種效應。(四)社會情懷和品味可增進情緒調節。 另外,研究亦發現社會情懷與品味的關聯性:(一)涉及過去、現在和未來:社會情懷的早期發展、現在和展望延續到未來或退休後,品味積極體驗含有回憶、當下和預期的品味;(二)感興趣而專注:對人或事感到興趣,願意花時間專注於人際關係或所做的事情上;(三)積極正向的生活:願意帶著正向情緒情感體驗生活,並享受在其中;(四)利他利己/助人助己:認知上是一種回饋他人和貢獻社會,自己也從中得到正向情緒;(五)創造關係連結:社會情懷是帶著對人的付出和同理並與人連結,品味使人帶出正向感受願意靠近關係拉近彼此距離,讓生命更加興盛!


The purpose of this study was to explore the social interest and savoring of middle-aged women's participation in volunteer services. Based on Adlerian psychology's concept of social interest and the positive psychology's concept of savoring, the study analyzed he development of middle-aged women's social interest and their outward expressions in the savoring of volunteer services. The analytical structure of this study uses "whole-content" research with a semi-structured in-depth interview to collect data on the social interest and savoring of five middle-aged women aged 50-64 through a qualitative narrative structure, and the data from one interview were organized,summarized, and analyzed according to themes: (1) The development of social interest for middle-aged women from early childhood to the present was influenced by family environment,parental role models,religious beliefs, and personal characteristics. The original family was the place where the individual's early abilities and social interest were germinated and trained. (2) Social interest was the cultivation of competence in a group, a sense of empathy and compassion for people from the heart, a connection and dance with people, and the promotion of healthy and positive connections in relationships, as well as a relationship between oneself and others, helping others and helping each other, and an enhancement of the quality of life. "Ability,nurturing, and community" were the three main nutrients for the growth of social interest, and "communal feeling,linking, and dancing" were the three kinds of connecting effects that were arising from the interaction of social interest with others after its manifestations. (3) By participating in volunteer services, these 5 middle-aged women experienced positive emotions. Their savoring of learning in a group allowed them to extends and expresses life to becomes more prosperous. Their savoring of self-worth and self-esteem gave themselves a sense of belonging and satisfaction. Their savoring to promote the continuous flow and sharing of love with others. Their savoring of gratitude for relationships promoted personal spiritual inspiration with calling and joy. These three elements were the elements of the social interest and savoring life. "Values, relationships, and sharing" were the three effects of the social interest and savoringful life. (4) Social interest and savoring can enhanced emotional regulation. In addition, the study also found the following associations between social interest and savoring: (1) Past, present, and future: The early development of social interest, the present, and the outlook continued into the future or after retirement by savoring and actively experienced savoring that contained memories, the present, and expectations. (2) Interested and focused themes: Interested in people or things, these women were willing to spend time focused on relationships or what they were doing. (3) Positive life: They were willing to experience life with positive emotions and enjoy it. (4) Altruism and self-interest/helping others and helping oneself: a cognitive sense of giving back to others and contributing to society, from which one experienced positive emotions. (5) Creating relational connections: The social interest was meant to give and empathize with people and connect with them, to bring out positive emotions and allow them to be willing to get closer to each other, and to make life more prosperous!


Middle-aged women Social interest Savoring Volunteer


王秋絨、陳儒晰(2020)。高齡族群靈性支持與生活態度的影響因素分析。中台灣教育研究期刊,1(5),11-37 11。
