  • 學位論文


A study of Children's Human Rights Issues in Japan

指導教授 : 許慶雄


誠如日本著名憲法學宮澤俊義教授所言:「凡身為人即應視為人 權(享有)之主體,而與年齡因素無關。」因此依照兒童權利條約對於 兒童之定義,再反芻宮澤教授之主張,則凡未滿一八足歲之未成年 人團體亦為基本人權與國民各項權利之享有主體,乃屬應無爭論之 處。然而,由於未滿一八足歲之未成年人團體(以下稱兒童之)其身心 成熟程度乃高低有別,因此其思考與判斷能力常未能給與等同成年 人團體之評價(如選舉權之不賦與),亦為不爭之事實。 但是兒童享有人權與得行使權利之確定事實,是否僅得以未臻 成熟之理由而予以忽視甚或是剝奪,乃是有待再進一步檢討之課題。 因此本論文之主要目的,即在透過與台灣社會始終保有密切聯繫之 日本社會中的各項環境(如憲法、教育、社會保障、司法、國際法等)中 與兒童人權議題相關並產生爭議之處,作一歸納整理,同時輔以相 關判例之檢討,藉以釐清學說與實務判決的相異點,並明白兒童人權課題 之變遷與發展。 兒童時期乃是吾人等之成長原點,如何於過程中培養正確行使 由國家確立國民享有基本人權後所得來的各項權利乃甚為重要。面 對當代社會與自然環境的惡化,為了不再使兒童成為無言的犧牲者, 進行兒童地位之再確認工作,並暢通兒童參與社會運作之管道,相 信是國家於圖謀永續發展之際的必要思考課題亦為本論文之探討中 心。


兒童人權 生存權 受教育權


In this paper that try to discuss children’s human rights issues at different ways. For example, in Chapter3 that mentioned Horiki v. Gove ernor, Hyogo Prefecture(1982), The Horiki Welfare Support Case is try to think how could we make a better child welfare system that really take care of every children. In that case, a blind woman living on disab ility payments sought further public assistance in the form of child support in 1970 for raising her son Mamoru. She had taken care of him since his birth in 1955 without the presence or support of her husband. The Government of Hyogo Prefecture rejected her request, noting that the Child Support Allowance Law forbade concurrent payment of child suppo rt to a disability pensioner. She filed suit arguing the unconstituti onality of the ban on concurrent payments based on Article 14 equality rights and her right under Article 25 to enjoy “minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.” In the other hand, maybe her child ri ght under Article 25 could also be a serious problem. Besides constitutional problem, children’s rights under Education, Social welfare system, Justice, International law are still have many unsolved issues. So this paper is try to illuminate it, and try to find the better way for children’s life.


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