  • 學位論文

運用Open Source提供圖形化虛擬網路實驗室之管理

A Graphicalized Management Environment of Virtual Network Laboratory -- Using Open Sources

指導教授 : 梁德昭


本研究嘗試運用開放原始碼之圖形化軟體針對淡江大學既有虛擬網路實驗室提供更友善的操作介面,讓授課老師設計實驗單元、實驗室管理人員與學生實作皆能有更友善的使用環境。系統實作採用Proxmox VE結合KVM、OpenVZ與Vyatta虛擬防火牆,提供圖形操作介面取代Command Line操作,從而降低使用上的進入障礙。使得更多授課老師願意使用虛擬實驗室進行教學與實習,普及實驗室使用率。本文亦展示使用圖形化操作介面來佈署網路實習單元的過程。


虛擬化實驗室 圖形化 Vyatta Proxmox KVM


The attempt of this work is to provide a user-friendly interface for the virtual networking laboratory of TKU. We are trying to search for graphical tools from open sources, to enhance the operating interface for the users, such that instructors who design experiment programs, laboratory supervisors who manages the laboratory and students who are doing practices in the virtual laboratory are all have a more convenient environment to work on. Together with Proxmox VE, KVM, OpenVZ, and Vyatta virtual firewall, the virtual networking laboratory is now provide a GUI environment for use. Thus, of course, will reduce the entrance barrier of usage and hence increase the usage rate of the laboratory. The graphical interface for networking task deployment are also shown in this paper.


Virtual Network Laboratory Graphicalized Vyatta Proxmox KVM


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