  • 學位論文


Application of Risk Analysis to Evaluate Food Safety Management System in Taiwan and Japan-Cooking Oil

指導教授 : 任耀庭


糧食不僅是國家重要政策,因為飲食為人民的基本需求也攸關大眾健康。隨著食品製造與加工技術的進步,同時間世界也面臨到糧食安全的考驗,使得食品製造商面臨經濟利益下犧牲食品安全,置大眾健康於不顧。 近年來臺灣食品安全危害層出不窮,又以食用油事件影響範圍既深且廣。因此有必要探討食用油品管理機制,以釐清問題。本論文以文獻分析和評估研究的方法,以世界衛生組織(WHO)公佈之食品安全風險分析模式,做為審查臺灣近年來食品安全問題,並以評估比對的方式歸納整理;同時再以相同之方式,同時比對日本食品安全管理機制後,單就油品管理做比較分析。 根據分析的結果顯示臺灣在風險評估上的問題為無專責獨立機關。風險管理則有油品定義不明、分流制度搭配不完善、抽查制度寬鬆、標章認證待加強以及資訊不夠公開透明。風險溝通無專責單位處理,與大眾溝通管道流暢度不足。以上三項作為皆有人力資源不足之隱憂。根據研究結果,按世衛的風險分析模式與融合日本現行管理措施,提供幾項建議措施以供政府施政參考面向。就風險評估而言,可仿效日本以獨立的機關來運行,保有科學獨立精神不受政治因素影響。此外,日本食品安全管理亦有值得臺灣學習的地方。首先是食用油品定義明確,可降低業者尋求模糊地帶的空間。再者日本除了政府機構,尚有其他專職的組織或機構來共同管控食用油品,能夠改善政府人力不足的問題。此外,臺灣應強化現有認證制度或者是鼓勵民間單位創立認證標章,共同為食安把關並強化民眾信任感。最後,風險溝通制度中,建議可成立統籌性部門或組織進行溝通與食安教育。 保障食品安全衛生是需要政府、業者與大眾三方共同努力,期許在糧食安全的威脅下,共同為食品安全盡力。


Food is a foundation for national policy and it is an essential need for everyone, therefore it is very important for public health. The advances in food manufacturing and processing technology improve food availability. Nevertheless, the world is surrounding food security challenges. In order to cut expenses, food manufacturers often abandon food safety regulation and compromise low cost or illegal food ingredients when food prices rise. This is has become a major crisis for public health. There is a series of incidents which affect food safety in Taiwan, among them, adulteration of cooking oil with recycled waste oil and animal feed oil was the worst and unimaginable. Therefore, the purpose for this study was to investigate the cooking oil management system and clarify current issue. The method in this study was to collect, organize and evaluate relevant literatures. The literatures reviewed in this study were mainly in oil from Taiwan and Japan food safety regulation. In addition, food safety risks analysis developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) applied for standard and made comparison analysis between Taiwan and Japan in terms of cooking oils. Under FAO/WHO food safety risks analysis, the results found that there is no independent multidisciplinary team of personals to conduct a risk assessment in Taiwan. In risk management, the current issues in Taiwan were ill-defined oil definition, flaw triage oil systems, loose inspection systems, enhancement food certification, and poor transparent in information. In risk communication, Taiwanese government did not have specifically department responsible for current system and did not have effective communication. We found that the shortage of manpower was a problem. Based on FAO/WHO food safety risks analysis (assessment, management and communication) and Japanese food safety management, there are several recommendations for Taiwanese government. Firstly, like Japan, we can establish an institution which include independent multidisciplinary team of scientists. This institution will not be influenced by political affairs. Secondly, the excellent experiences can be learned from Japan is to establish a well-defined cooking oils and avoided vague concepts. Seeking other existing organizations or NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) supports to increase the manpower and manages oil safety Thirdly, we should improve current food certification or encourage private units to develop reliable food certifications. Finally, one institution which can coordinate all organizations and integrate risk assessment and management into risk communication and education is a consideration strategy.


