  • 學位論文


Healthy Right of Migrant Workers : A study of Low-Skilled Foreigners in Thailand

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


人權是國際公認之普世價值,而健康權更是近年來受到國際組織重視的基本人權之一。因為國際間人口的流動,帶來了許多疾病的傳染,移民在目的地國的健康權利保障,也常因為國內保護主義的影響而未能得到妥適的照顧。本研究主要為探討泰國勞動市場中,來自緬甸、寮國及柬埔寨低技術工人的健康權。從正面來說,進入泰國的低技術工人,帶給了泰國自1990年代起,經濟快速崛起的成果,並使得泰國在近年來的政治紛擾中,仍保有穩定的經濟成長。然深究帶來泰國經濟成長的勞動力來源,其進入泰國之方式卻大多以非法之途徑,在此情形下,使泰國政府人流管控不易,進而形成了防疫上的漏洞。 近年來,泰國開始重視此類低技術工人在境內的健康權問題,不僅僅是因為這些低技術工人的健康權利在政府的政策中無法受到完整保護,在國內形成諸多問題,另一方面,也為了達成國際衛生組織的政策目標,與國際組織合作,以改善低技術工人的健康權問題。 因為泰國境內的低技術工人有相當多為非法身分,自然無法納入保險體系中,因此泰國政府積極的透過相關政策,引導境內非法低技術工人,轉為合法取得工作許可,以藉此保障低技術工人得納入健康政策下,但成效不彰。另一方面,泰國政府與國際組織間的合作,雖獲致相當成效,卻僅為區域性的協助,無法全面實施。 本研究藉由探討泰國境內低技術工人之歷史沿革、國際組織推動健康權之相關公約及決議,以及泰國現行針對低技術工人所做之健康權利相關政策及與國際組織之間的合作來了解進入泰國低技術工人所能獲致之健康權利情形。另一方面,提出本研究的研究發現與建議,希望泰國政府能盡快消除國內爭議,化重視低技術工人健康權想法落實成為實際行動,徹底執行,才是真正使低技術工人的健康權能夠得到完整保障之途。


Human rights are universal and considered the birthright of every human being. And the Right to Health is one of the basic human rights that have been valued by international organizations in recent years. This study mainly explores the healthy right of low-skilled workers from Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia in Thailand. Since 1990s, low-skilled workers entered Thailand bring rapid economic growth. Although these low-skilled worker brought economic growth, but most of them are illegal. Under the illegal situation, they are not protected by Thai government policy. It is also difficult for Thai government to make appropriate policy. In recent years, Thailand faced issues about the right to health of these illegal low-skilled workers in Thailand, not only these low-skilled workers cannot be fully protected under government’s policies, but also caused many problems in Thailand. On the other hand, in order to achieve the policy objectives of the WHO, Thai government has cooperated with international organizations to improve the low-skilled workers’ healthy right. Thai government actively establishes policies to convert illegal workers into legal status to let migrant workers can be included in the insurance system, but it is not successful. Up to date, it is about half of low-skilled workers included in the health policy. Cooperation between the Thai government and international organizations has achieved considerable results, but it just be regional assistance and cannot be fully implemented. This study explores the history of low-skilled workers in Thailand, the relevant conventions and resolutions of international organizations promoting the right to health, and Thailand’s current policy on health rights for low-skilled workers and cooperation with international organizations. Finally, put forward the research findings and recommendations of this study, hoping that the Thai government can eliminate domestic disputes as soon as possible, and pay attention to the implementation of the idea of low-skilled workers’ right to health as a practical action. The thorough implementation is the only way that low-skilled workers can completely owning the right to health.


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