  • 學位論文


An implementation of building a physical medicine and rehabilitation assistive system using Near Field Communication technique

指導教授 : 潘孟鉉




NFC Arduino Wi-Fi 嵌入式系統 復健 醫療


Rehabilitation medicine is a clinical division that aims to restore the physical function of patients. The physician designs a rehabilitation program targeting a specific disease and repeatedly carries out program training in order to restore the patient’s physical function, thereby enhancing the quality of life for the patient. In the hospitals, due to a serious shortage of medical manpower, medical staff members must each take care of many patients, which not only results in delays in treatment, but also deprives patients of their rights to medical attention. In this thesis, a medical rehabilitation assistive system that can be self-operated by patients was developed. Arduino embedded devices, combined with Near Field Communication (a type of wireless technology), a Wi-Fi wireless network module, and a patient database system, provide patients with the simplest way to achieve automated rehabilitation medical assistance. The system provides hospital treatment room map navigation function in corridors and offers patient registration and appointment for equipment access function at the treatment room entrance, while instruction videos, therapy timing, and other rehabilitative therapy assistance functions are available next to the rehabilitation equipment. This system not only provides services for patients, but also effectively shares the huge workload of medical staff.


NFC Arduino Wi-Fi Embedded System Rehabilitation Treatment


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