  • 學位論文


The Factors of Decision Comfort on the Public Choosing Digital and Paper-based Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers

指導教授 : 吳錦波


科技發展日新月異,隨著網際網路的開放,人們消費付款方式除現金、信用卡之外,亦增加了行動支付和電子支付等支付工具,而政府也喊出 2025 年「非現金支付普及率達9成」的口號。然以往研究費者使用行為著重以科技特性為主,易忽略內心知覺損失與知覺利益,因此,本研究以心理帳戶理論(Mental Accounting Theory)為基礎,探討民眾對於振興五倍券領取或綁定方式之易用性、促銷深度、分析癱瘓、心理會計及社會影響之知覺感受與決策舒適度的關係。本研究透過文獻回顧探討,以網路問卷的方式進行調查,以領取振興五倍卷的民眾為實證研究對象,鑑於振興五倍券取得方式可分為「紙本領取」和「數位綁定」,施測對象及結果分析將兩群體分別論述,總發放問卷500份,有效回收問卷420份回收率84%。 研究採用SPSS 22進行基本統計分析,SmartPLS 3.32統計軟體進行信度、效度、相關與路徑分析,據以驗證研究模型因果關係。本研究以Tan and Liang (2021)探討民眾選擇領取紙本而非數位振興三倍券決策舒適度的理論架構為基礎,希冀探究影響領取紙本或數位綁定兩群不同民眾決策舒適度之原因。研究結果發現,選擇領取紙本或數位綁定振興五倍券之不同民眾,「易用性」、「促銷深度」、「心理會計」皆對「決策舒適度」有正向影響效果,「分析癱瘓」對「決策舒適度」皆無負向影響效果,「分析癱瘓」對「促銷深度」與「決策舒適度」之中介效果不顯著;「促銷深度」對「分析癱瘓」及「社會影響」對「決策舒適度」的正向影響效果,僅對領取紙本振興五倍券民眾,對於數位綁定的民眾則無影響效果。最後,本研究可提供相關理論在公共政策或推廣策略上相關知識與管理意涵。


Due to rapid technological advancements and increasing openness of the Internet, there are more ways to make payments: cash, credit cards, mobile payments and electronic payments, etc. The government has also come up with the slogan of “90% non-cash payments by 2025”. Previous studies focus on technological attributes and tend to ignore the perceived loss and the perceived benefits of consumers. Hence, this paper applies the mental accounting theory to examine the relation between the public’s perceptions and decision comfort regarding the ease of use, promotion depth, analysis paralysis, mental accounting and social influence of Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers when it comes to paper-based vouchers vs. digital account binding. The collection of Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers is divided into two groups: paper-based vouchers vs. digital account binding. This paper conducts a literature review and conducts empirical research with an online survey on those who have collected Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers. A total of 500 questionnaires were issued, with 420 effective questionnaires recovered at 84% recovery ratio. The SPSS Statistics V22.0 is used for analysis of basic statistics. The SmartPLS 3.32 is used for analysis of reliability, validity, correlations and paths, in order to validate the causal relationship in the research models. Based on the theoretic framework developed by Tan and Liang (2021), this paper explores the reasons for the public’s choice of paper-based vouchers over digital account binding in the context of decision comfort and examines the contributing factors to decision comfort of paper-based vouchers vs. digital account binding. The research on those who chose to collect paper-based vouchers and those who chose digital account binding finds that ease of use, promotion depth and mental accounting have positive influence on decision comfort. Analysis paralysis has no negative influence on decision comfort. The intermediating effect of analysis paralysis on promotion depth and decision comfort is not significant. The research also finds the positive influence of promotion depth on analysis paralysis and the positive influence of social influence on decision comfort. However, the positive influence is only to those who chose paper-based vouchers. There is no influence on those who chose digital account binding. Finally, the research findings provide relevant knowledge and management implications in public policies or promotion strategies in the context of applicable theories.


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