  • 學位論文

從精神病個案觀察中看見的自己 : 一場關於反移情的行動研究

From Psychotic Observation to Countertransference: An Action Research Study

指導教授 : 邱惟真


本研究旨在探究從精神病個案觀察學習過程中,學習者可否深度探究反移情及其學習歷程。本研究聚焦於研究者本人之學習經驗,透過行動研究方式,擬定行動計畫,記錄下在17週觀察歷程中,取得12次觀察回憶稿,每週透過回憶稿進行五層次反思,並持續參與機構觀察工作坊,透過與督導、指導教授、同儕之討論,在反覆的詮釋循環中看見自我反移情之過程。 研究結果顯示 : 一、從觀察到反移情的浮現歷程。二、精神病個案觀察確實可協助學習者深度探究反移情。根據研究結果,本研究進一步提出限制與建議,以及行動後回顧,供未來有機會進行精神病個案觀察學習之諮商學習者或專業工作者參考。


The purpose of the study was to explore what can a counselling learner learn from a psychotic observation and what is the process of countertransference learning from the psychotic observation. A qualitative, action research method was used. The study focused on the writer’s learning experience from psychotic observation course. The writer tried to use five level reflection method to reflect on 12 recall memories in 17 weeks. Otherwise, the Writer tried to discuss the reflection in the observation workshop in organization, and discuss it with supervisor, professor, and classmates. In the result, we could see a process of learning, and we could say the psychotic observation is very helpful to learn countertransference affirmatively. The writer also offered some suggestions and after action review to those who want to learn from psychotic observation course in the future.


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朱仲謀(譯)(2006)。行動研究導論。(原作者 : Andrew P. Johnson)。臺北 : 五南。(原出版年 : 2005)
成虹飛(1996)。以行動研究做為師資培育模式的策略與反省: 一群師院生的例子。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告, 計畫編號:NSC85-2745-H-134-001 F6。
