  • 學位論文


A Study of CCP's Grand External Propaganda Work:Take the Case of COVID-19

指導教授 : 曾怡碩


中共建黨以來,向來善用宣傳工作爭取各領域族群認同,隨1978年實施改革開放,外宣對象也開始明確面向國際,惟歷經「六四天安門」、「疆、藏騷亂」等對中共國際形象嚴重打擊事件下,2009年啟動「大外宣」計畫,主要在全球加強「外宣媒體本土化」建設、增加駐外陸媒辦事機構,擴大併購海外媒體、培養外國代理人等手段,企圖運用多方傳播途徑,宣揚中國正面形象,以消彌全球「中國威脅論」意識蔓延,進一步搶占世界話語權。 習近平上任後,提出實現中華民族偉大復興「中國夢」之戰略目標,對外宣傳強調「說好中國故事」,內容開始參雜宣揚中國民族自信;面對中共強勢外宣攻勢,也讓各國產生疑慮及危機感,如美國國會報告即提出中共利用海外孔子學院進行政治宣傳、灌輸親「中」思想及干預美國大學決策等。就當國際開始正視中共「大外宣」威脅時,2019年底中共湖北武漢爆發「新冠肺炎」,並在短短不到1年時間造成全球大流行,頓時影響中共國際形象。 故本文將以「新冠肺炎」為研究主題,嘗試藉中共各屆領導人為時間區分,先梳理其外宣政策之歷史演進、內外部影響因素,以助於瞭解中共現階段外宣機制架構與政策主軸;其次,探析中共在疫情爆發前、中、後期及對台等外宣重點,運用何種策略手段扭轉中國大陸做為疫情源頭之負面形象,並試圖分析其背後意圖目的;最後,再藉國際智庫民調機構調查數據,交互驗證對中共國際形象之效益影響;此外,本文更進一步探討中共在疫情期間對台宣傳策略之背後目的、策略途徑及運用工具媒介,希望有關發現提供我有關決策單位參考。


Since the founding of the Communist Party of China, always make good use of propaganda work to win ethnic recognition in various fields. Following the implementation of reform and opening up in 1978, external propaganda targets have also begun to clearly face the international, However, after the "June 4th Tiananmen Square Protests ", "Xinjiang and Tibet riots" and other Incidents that severe blow on the CCP’s international image, launched the " Grand External Propaganda " project in 2009. Mainly strengthen the construction of "localization of external propaganda media" in the world, increase foreign Chinese media offices, expanding mergers and acquisitions of overseas media, training foreign agents and other multi-dissemination means. Promote a positive image of China, elimination of the "China Threat Theory" spreading around the world, have its say in the world’s public opinion.   Since Xi Jinping ran the government, he proposed achieve the strategic goal of the "Chinese Dream" of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. External propaganda emphasizes "tell the Chinese story well", the content contains promotes national self-confidence. But it also makes questioned by other countries, U.S. Congress report proposes that the CCP uses overseas Confucius Institutes for political propaganda, Inculcate thoughts that are beneficial to China and intervene in U.S. University decision-making. When the international community began to face the threat of the CCP’s “Grand External Propaganda”, "COVID-19" broke out in Wuhan, Hubei, China at the end of 2019, and has become a global pandemic in less than a year, affect China's international image. This article will use "COVID-19' as the research theme, through the time division of the leaders of the CCP, sorts out the historical evolution, internal and external influencing factors of CCP’s external propaganda policies, to understand the current stage of the CCP’s external propaganda mechanism and policy axis. Second, analyze the key points of the CCP’s external propaganda and propaganda to Taiwan before, during and after the COVID-19 outbreak. What strategies are used to reverse the negative image of mainland China as the source of the COVID-19, also trying to explore the behind intention. As last, use of survey data from international think tanks and polling agencies to verify the effectiveness of the CCP’s international image. In addition, discuss the purpose, the strategic approach, and the use of tools and media behind the CCP’s propaganda strategy to Taiwan during the epidemic. Hope the relevant findings will provide reference for decision-making units.


