  • 學位論文


The Exploration of The Thinking Concept of Mental Toughness for Chinese

指導教授 : 林淑萍


本研究旨在確認華人心理堅韌度存在現況並初探其內涵。欲釐清華人世界的心理堅韌度存在現況,以及華人心理堅韌度包含之內涵為何,本研究採用質性研究方法,蒐集資料則分成三個階段,第一階段邀請40位研究參與者進行前導研究;第二階段邀請5位不同工作類別之中高階主管與頂尖業務員,藉由深度訪談蒐集資料。經由研究者的整理後進行資料的內容分析。第三階段則根據歷史研究法的比對整理,解析出華人心理堅韌度的內涵及其存在樣貌。 歸納研究結果如下: 一、 華人心理堅韌度存在現況 1. 華人心理堅韌度存在證明:(1)前導研究資料分析之內在力量、(2)深度訪談資料之內在力量於逆境順境形式。 2. 華人心理堅韌度功能:(1) 逆境中的緩衝器、(2)自我控制與激勵、(3)目標設定不放棄、(4)自信堅定不動搖。 二、 華人心理堅韌度概念內涵 1. 堅韌態度:面對壓力情境時,能百折不撓、堅定自我的努力並投入其中。 2. 省思特質:挫折後給予自我成長和新生的機會,並寬厚待人、心懷感謝。 3. 外圓內方:堅定執行目標仍不忘人際的圓融,自信謙遜且不卑不亢。 4. 坦然接受:面臨困難時能順其自然、為所當為,誠實面對勇敢接受。 三、 華人心理堅韌度之概念效用 1. 做人的根本原則來堅實己心:(1)環境磨練心智(2)反思醒悟自身 2. 做事的態度包含柔韌性 3. 做人做事後成就自我的修行:(1)坦然面對(2)回饋與激勵自我


Abstract: This study is designed to confirm the present status of mental toughness of Chinese and preliminary its connotation. To clarify the current existence and the connotation of mental toughness of Chinese, This study used qualitative research method which is divided into three phases. In the first phase, we invited forty participants in leading research. At the second stage, we used in-depth interview as the method, inviting five participants who had come from different vocation fields and different positions as executives and top salesmen to our study. Content analysis was conducted after the data was collected from the in-depth interview. At the final stage, based on historical research, the study analyzed the meaning of the mental toughness of Chinese and its model. The research results are as following: 1) The present mental toughness of Chinese a.) Proof of the existence of mental toughness of Chinese: i) The inherent strength in the leading research data. ii) The inherent strength of depth interviews in the form of favorable and adverse circumstances. b.) The functions of mental toughness of Chinese: i) The adversity buffer. ii) Self-control and encouragement. iii) Goal setting with not giving up. iv) Persistence and confidence. 2) The connotation of mental toughness of Chinese a.) Resilient attitude: while facing stressful situations, the perseverance, self- determination and engagement would occur. b.) Reflection traits: given the opportunities to self-growth and reborn after going through frustrations, be generous to others, and be thankful the opportunities. c.) Harmony and persistence: being persist and keeping interpersonal harmony when achieving the goals; being confident, modest, and keeping steadfast. d.) Readily acceptance: be flexible under pressure; meanwhile, honestly confront it and accept it bravely. 3) The concept of utility of mental toughness for Chinese a.) Using fundamental life principle to stable their insides: i) Disciplining and training self in the environment. ii) Being reflective. b.) Working attitude with flexibility. c.) Self-achievement in life after the practice: i) Being clam while confronting the difficulties and self and accepting the result. ii) Self-reward and encouragement.


