  • 學位論文


A Study on the Japan’s Legislations for Military-Emergency Situation after the World War Ⅱ─Focus on Three Military- Emergency Laws

指導教授 : 胡慶山


2003年6月6日,對日本而言一件重要的日子,日本參議院在出席235席議員當中,以202票對33票,以壓倒性的票數通過日本應該如何應變來自外國武力攻擊的「有事三法」,長期以來只要在日本國內討論有關「有事法制」均被視為一項禁忌,因為這是極容易會被外界解讀為軍國主義的復甦以及日本是否又要邁向軍事大國的道路等,然而有事法制由來已久,為何在準備那麼長的時間之後,卻在短短的時間就如此迅速地通過有事三法?日本輿論甚至稱之為「36小時走完26年的路」,基於軍人之出身背景及個人興趣緣故,希望對日本戰後有事法制之研究與發展,能有更深入的瞭解。 本論文的研究架構共分為六章。第一章是緒論,就本論文之研究動機與研究目的、研究範圍與研究方法做整體性的說明。第二章以有事法制歷史之背景、有事法制之發展作一簡述,並對現階段有事法制的內容加以說明。第三章是就日本有事法制的意義,及其在憲法上之論據,與其基本性質作分析。第四章針對日本有事法制與和平主義憲法、議會內閣制及日美安保同盟、體制等相關論點加以說明。第五章簡要述明日本有事三法(武力攻擊事態法、自衛隊法修正及安全保障會議設置法修正)的檢討。第六章為本論文之總結,並說明現階段日本有事法制的成立對東亞安全保障的影響。


June 6, 2003 is a momentous day to Japan. By a 202 to 33 overwhelming vote on that day, the Japanese Senate passed the Three Military- Emergency Laws, which aim at dealing with armed attack from foreign countries. The discussion of “legislation of emergency laws” has long been regarded as a taboo, since it tends to be interpreted by the world as the restoration of militarism and marching toward a militarily powerful nation again. Although “legislation of emergency laws” had been incubated for a long period of time, the Three Military- Emergency Laws turned out to be passed in a swift way, which results in the criticism by the Japanese public that it seems “completing the 26-year long trip in 36 hours”. Owing to the personal military background and special interests in this field, the researcher aims at delving into the research and development of “legislation of emergency laws” of Japan after the Second World War, hoping to contribute to our understanding of them. This thesis is presented in six chapters. Chapter one is Introduction, involving the general introduction of research background and motivation, purpose of the study, research area, and research methodology. Following this chapter, Chapter two reviews the history and background of “legislation of emergency laws” and its development; meanwhile, introduces its current content. Afterwards, the significance and nature of the legislation and the theoretical basis of it in terms of the constitution of Japan are all analyzed in Chapter three. Chapter four explains the related issues, including the relationship between the legislation and (1) the Constitution with an emphasis of international peace, (2) the parliamentary system in Japanese parliament, and (3) the system of U.S.-Japan Security Alliance. In Chapter five presents the analysis of the problems of Three Emergency-Related Laws. In the end, Chapter six concludes the findings of this study and presents the impact of the legislation on the security of East Asia.




