  • 學位論文


The Service Quality, Perceived Value and Perceived Risk of the E-commerce Platform APP with Post-use Repurchase Intention and Trust.

指導教授 : 陳玉鈴


隨著科技不斷的進步,人們的手上至少會有一台行動裝置,行動APP的便利性、即時性及行動性,促使其蓬勃發展,加上疫情的影響,帶起宅經濟的發展,電商平台相準了政府防疫政策,使電商平台的商品及服務多元化,根據Sensor Tower資料顯示,2019年全球購物類APP下載量達到11億次,相關數據也顯示消費者對電商平台APP不僅使用頻率增加,對其的黏著度也提高。 本研究主要探討電商平台APP之服務品質、知覺價值與知覺風險對使用者使用後的再買購意願及信任度的影響,探究這五個調節變相之間的關係,本研究透過發放問卷的方式,並以SPSS軟體進行數據分析。 結果顯示,(1)不同年齡層的消費者對再買購意願達到顯著水準;(2)不同教育程度的消費者對電商平台APP之知覺價值與知覺風險達到顯著水準;(3)不同薪資所得的消費者對電商平台APP之知覺風險達到顯著水準;(4)電商平台APP之服務品質及知覺價值對使用者使用後的再買購意願及信任度呈正向的顯著影響;(5)而電商平台APP之知覺風險對使用者使用後的再買購意願及信任度呈負向的顯著影響,意即電商平台APP之服務品質及知覺價值越正向,使用者使用後的再買購意願及信任度也會提升;而電商平台APP之知覺風險越低,使用者使用後的再買購意願及信任度反而會提高。


With the continuous advancement of technology, people will have at least one mobile device in their hands, convenience, immediacy and mobility, promte its vigorous development, coupled with the impact of the epidemic, bring up the housing economy for the development of the e-commerce platform, the government’s anti-epidemic policy is in line with the according to Sensor Tower information, the global shopping APP downloads reached 110 million times in 2019. Relevant date also show that consumers not only increase the frequency of using e-commerce platform APP, but also their adherence to it lmprove. This research mainly discusses the ease of service quality, perceived value and perceived risk of e-commerce platform APP the reader will use the influence of repurchase willingness and trust to explore the relationship between these five adjustments in disguise, in this study, the questionnaire was distributed and SPSS software was used for date analysis. The results show that (1) Consumers of different ages have reached a significant level of willingness to repurchase; (2) Consumers with different education levels have significant perceived price points and perceived risks of e-commerce platform APPs bingzhun; (3) Consumers with different salary incomes have a significant level of perceived risk on e-commerce platform APPs standard; (4) The service quality and perceived value of the e-commerce platform APP are repurchasing willingness to repurchase the convenience of users and the more positive the perceptual value, the more users’ willingness to buy and trust will increase; (5)The lower the perceived risk of the platform APP, the user’s repurchase willingness and trust will increase after use high.


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