  • 學位論文


A Research on the Effects of Playfulness and Cognitive Support of Digital Game-Based Learning System on Students Flow Experience and Learning Experience

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


隨著科技與數位內容研發技術之成熟,近幾年數位悅趣式學習已成最熱門的研究主題之一,過去數位悅趣式遊戲學習多以電腦遊戲式學習為主,應用於行動裝置之數位悅趣式學習之研究也是近年才逐漸嶄露頭角。就目前行動裝置上所開發的遊戲來說,選擇性可說相當豐富且容易取得,無論是Google Android Play或是Apple App Store都能夠找到許多免費的益智類遊戲,當中有許多遊戲內容富含學習之價值,因此遊戲內容設計是否會影響學習者學習經驗與心流之經驗,是本研究所要探討的。本研究旨在探討數位悅趣式學習系統介面設計所提供的不同認知支援(高認知支援、低認知支援)以及娛樂性(高娛樂性、低娛樂性)對學習者在心流經驗與學習經驗間之影響,研究對象為北部某私立大學的學生(包含大學部、研究所),有效樣本為99人,研究設計採因子設計準實驗研究法,自變項包含系統認知支援與娛樂性,並分為高、低兩組;依變項包含心流經驗與學習經驗。在娛樂性(高、低)與認知支援(高、低)對於整體心流經驗和學習經驗之分析採二因子單變量變異數分析,並透過多變量變異數分析來檢驗主效果對心流經驗與學習經驗各面向間是否有顯著的差異。研究結果發現:(1) 高娛樂性學習者在心流經驗之享受、專注、控制、探索面向的感受程度較佳;(2) 高認知支援學習者在心流經驗之「探索」面向的感受度較佳;(3) 高娛樂性的學習者在學習經驗之學習焦慮、學習動機、學習能力建構等面向之感受程度較佳;(4) 高認知支援的學習者在學習經驗之「學習焦慮」面向的感受程度較低。


Nowadays we could see people tapping on their Smartphone or tablets anytime anywhere. With the thriving technology and digital content development techniques, game based learning digital contents has become one of the most popular research topics. In the past, computer games are the main source of game based learning digital contents. Researches of game based learning digital contents for mobile devices are only showcasing in recent years. For now, mobile-based games are diverse and easy to obtain. There are many free games on Google Play or Apple App Store that contain educational value. Therefore, this study is intended to examine the impact game based learning interface design has on learners wit cognitive support and playfulness in flow experience and learning experience.The study objects are students of a private university (including undergraduates and post-graduates) in northern Taiwan. Ninety-nine people as valid samples. This study adopts quasi-experimental design. Independent variable includes cognitive support and playfulness, and divided the result of flow experience and learning experience in to two groups: high/ low. To analyze the relation of flow experience and learning experience to Playfulness (high/ low) and cognitive support (high/ low) with two way ANOVA. Using MANOVA to investigate if there are eminent variations in regard to independent variable between flow experience and learning experience. The result shows that: (1) Learners with high playfulness are sensible to Enjoyment, Concentration, Control and Exploration of flow experience. (2) Learners with high cognitive support are more sensible of Exploration in flow experience. (3) Learners with high playfulness have better perception in anxiety, motivation, learning ability in learning experience. (4) Learners with high cognitive support have less perception in anxiety of learning experience.


黃軍富 (2008)。 心流路徑研究方法論—以休閒遊戲玩家為例。 國立交通大學,未出版, 新竹。
