  • 學位論文


The algorithm for pick out new opinion word of Chinese opinion mining system

指導教授 : 陳俊豪




意見探勘 中文 意見詞


Due to huge manpower and time consuming for establishing and maintaining a word library type Opinion Mining system, the study attempts to simplify the operation of huge manpower and time consuming, thus the original reading many articles for establishing and maintaining the word library, where Opinion Word useful to the domain have to be pickup and added to the word library, with the process of the study, it only needs to execute algorithms to pickup new Opinion Word in articles, then determine whether the pickup Opinion Word is useful to the domain by comparing the pickup Opinion Word and sentence, and then add to word library. Owing to checking new Opinion Word picked out by algorithms is much time and manpower saving comparing to reading articles directly, moreover word library establishing and maintaining cost can be reduced.


Opinion Mining Chinese Opinion Word


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