  • 學位論文

台灣地區商業銀行回歸零售業務之 放款管理模式、資產規模與市場競爭

Loan Management Modes, Asset Scales, and Lending Competition of the Return to Retail Banking in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林志鴻


本篇論文試圖從銀行回歸零售業務之論點,在考量銀行不同資產規模情形下,應用Gunji and Yuan (2006)貨幣政策對放款通路的影響,與Kishan and Opiela (2000)等文章利用資產負債科目活動來解釋放款行為的概念,建立銀行之放款管理模式,來區分銀行對其放款業務,所採行之管理模式。   研究指出台灣地區商業銀行間有著不同的放款管理模式,且不同規模的銀行間,在有相同管理模式下,彼此可能存在競爭關係,而各管理模式中,銀行在追求利潤極大化之下,對於資產負債管理,何者具有相對較佳之效果?銀行在所屬之管理模式下,應如何進行資產負債管理?較能達到利潤極大化之目標。   結果發現,資產管理的放款管理模式下,「台中銀行」與「京城銀行」分別是台灣地區大規模與小規模銀行在回歸零售業務下,較能有效達到利潤極大化的銀行;流動性的放款管理模式下,「聯邦銀行」與「陽信銀行」分別是台灣地區大規模與小規模銀行在回歸零售業務下,較能有效達到利潤極大化的銀行;獲利性的放款管理模式下,「永豐銀行」與「中國輸出入銀行」分別是台灣地區大規模與小規模銀行在回歸零售業務下,較能有效達到利潤極大化的銀行。


This paper attempts to consider the concepts of banks in different asset scales, the monetary policy to lending channel’s influence, and use balance sheet’s activities to explain loan behavior of the return to retail banking. In addition, we also integrate these concepts to built the models, and use these models to differentiate loan management modes. In the article we differentiate loan management modes between the banks in order to know who the competitors are. If we can know the competitors, it will help us to do the strategy and then increased the profit. In addition, we also use the empirical study and the concept of maximize profit to find the best bank in different asset scales and loan management modes. Results show: In asset management mode, Taichung Bank and King’s Town Bank are the best of big and small asset scales respectively. In liquidity management mode, Union Bank of Taiwan and Sunny Bank are the best of big and small asset scales respectively. In profitability management mode, Bank SinoPac and The Export-Import Bank of ROC are the best of big and small asset scales respectively.


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