  • 學位論文


Beamforming techniques for indoor wireless communication

指導教授 : 丘建青


本論文先將8根發射天線以及8根接收天線做環型陣列的擺設,再利用射線彈跳追蹤法計算出任意給定室內無線環境之脈衝響應,在發射端與接受端均使用波束合成的技術,使能量聚焦,減少通道之間的多路徑效應干擾。再藉由基因演算法(Genetic Algorithms, GA)和自我適應之動態差異演算法(Self-Adative Dynamic Differential Evolution,SADDE)來調整天線的激發振福及每一根陣列元素上的饋入線長度,並且降低傳輸的位元錯誤率。 在同一個室內模擬環境下,我們分成直接波與非直接波的兩種方式,分別用基因演算法與自我適應之動態差異兩種演算法執行出模擬場型圖,根據模擬結果顯示,自我適應之動態差異演算法在收斂速度及位元錯誤率方面,性能都比基因演算法來的更好。


In this thesis, beamforming techniques are employed to reduce the multi-path effect of the channel and bit error rate. We use eight transmitter antennas and eight receiver antennas as the circle antenna array. Shooting and bouncing ray/image(SBR/Image) technique combining with antenna pattern are used to calculate the impluse response in indoor wireless environment. We adjust the excitation amplitude and feedlength of each array element by using the Genetic Algorithms(GA) and Self-Adative Dynamic Differential Evolution(SADDE) method . Both Line-of-sight (LOS) and non-Line-of-sight(NLOS) cases are presented in the indoor environment. We synthesize the patten of the antenna array by using Genetic Algorithms(GA) and Self-Adative Dynamic Differntial Evolution(SADDE). Numerical results show that SADDE algorithm outperforms GA algorithm in terms of bit error rate and convergence speed.


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