  • 學位論文


A Study on British Civil Service Training and Development(1979-2010)

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


文官體系人才的良窳,攸關政府施政的品質,唯有高人力素質的文官,才能建構與組成高效能的政府。英國從1979年保守黨柴契爾上台,歷經梅傑、布萊爾及布朗四位首相執政期間,銳意政府再造及文官改革,以提升政府的效能,使英國不但在政府改造成功,且文官制度完備,而享譽國際,成為各國學習的對象。 面對21世紀全球化及快速變遷的治理環境,傳統公共行政治理模式已無法因應複雜環境的挑戰。因此,文官必須建構新的行政能力,以回應嚴重的治理困境。而政府再造的成功與否,繫於該國政府文官制度改造是否成功;至文官制度改造之成功與否,自當聚焦於文官人力素質之提升,而人力素質之提升必須透過文官訓練體系相關訓練需求及內涵等制度改革方能克盡其功。 本研究目的,即是探討前述英國四位首相在新公共管理效率驅動及組織精簡與分權化模式下,以經濟、效率與效能等三個層面推動私有化、外包、市場測試及公民憲章以建立顧客導向的文官服務改革,及在新公共服務推動現代化政府追求公、私及志願服務團體在政策及管理面向的協同合作關係所帶動文官訓練發展之過程與成效。本文係採歷史制度研究途徑並以文獻分析方法,就所蒐集之中英文書籍、研究報告、定期刊物、學位論文等深入剖析發現:新公共管理理論追求效率與服務品質為英國文官訓練制度改革之動能;英國文官訓練組織及訓練制度均會隨著文官改革而做變革;因應全球化之挑戰,英國運用資訊科技與公、私部門及國際合作,建立專業創新執政體系;高水準的智慧資本加上員工高水準想要達成組織目標的集體努力,對組織將產生更高的績效。


The twenty-first century is characterized by rapid change, globalization, hyper-competition, and hyper-uncertainty. Traditional models of governance and public administration are no match for the challenges of this chaotic environment. There is an urgent need to restore, both in theory and practice, public governance and administration to develop new sets of knowledge and skills that can meet the challenges of the age of rapid changes. The Civil Service in the UK is proud of the values, talents and effectiveness of their service. They are respected by colleagues in other countries and envied by many. The UK Civil Service has a high reputation. Expectations of it are also high. Consequently, the government is keen to reinvigorate the concept of public service, and celebrate in contribution it makes to society. The history of civil service reform in Britain dates back to the seminal 1854 report by Sir Stafford Northcote and Sir Charles Trevelyan. It introduced competitive examinations and promotion on merit. Between 1966 and 1968, the Fulton committee conducted a wide-ranging examination of the nature, purpose, composition and management of the civil service and made a series of recommendations which were designed to remodel the civil service and equip it to meet the challenges of the late twentieth century. The Fulton Report said that “training should be designed to equip administrators to operate in one or other of the broad group(economic/financial and social),specialists need to be equipped to an appropriate degree for administration and management in addition to their normal skills in their specialisms”. This doctoral dissertation is on the history of the British civil service training and development from Margret Thatcher Administration to Gordon Brown Administration, on how the training institutes deliver a wide range of courses, on-site and tailored work; e-learning; qualifications and consultancy in the Civil Service College, created in 1970 succeeded by the Centre for Management and Policy Studies, created in 1999 and survived until 2005, again succeeded by the National School of Government. All provide several important lessons about how to deliver mass programmes on senior leadership, organizational development, and the added-value of higher level learning and development and academic excellence in government reform. More essential, is what they tell us about how the training development help civil servants develop greater capacity to handle the challenges in a fast moving environment and how the training institutes play their part in building Departmental capability as well as the skills of individuals and how is it committed to ensuring the training programmes support the public service reform and other cross-cutting themes through proposed programmes.


