  • 學位論文


Fast lithography for fabricating metallic sub-micro/nano-stamps and forming of UV resins using imprinting method

指導教授 : 林清彬




We proposed a novel method to fabricate metallic micro/nano-stamp with large area for nanoimprinting in this study. First thin films of Ge2Sb2Te5 with 400nm thickness and 0.87nm surface roughness were deposited at room temperature on silicon substrates by DC sputtering system. Surface of the phase change film is then irradiated with femtosecond laser pulse through the photomask to induce the crystalline mark and amorphous area, and the thermal diffusion length of GST film is less than 1nm. Then we get 2D crystalline micro/nano patterns with different geometric shapes. As the variance of physical and chemical properties between the amorphous area and crystalline mark, micro/nano stamps whose crystalline mark be etched can be generated by adapting etching process, which the smallest size is 600nm and the deepest etching depth is 140nm. The surface morphology of the mold etched with etchant of nitric acid and ethanol, it can be observed that shape of the patterns formed completely, the side wall of trench shown is fairly vertical. The observed roughness of surface and bottom of the mold by AFM cross section is under Ra 5nm, and the bottom of the trench is fairly smooth. Under the condition of reducing surface roughness, by using Taguchi methods optimized etching parameters were found to be exposing time of 1min, etching concentration of 30%, and etching time of 1min.Finally, SU-8 resist is spin coated on micro/nano stamps of Ge2Sb2Te5, and the polymeric patterns were successful replicated by imprinting.


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