  • 學位論文

應用Google Docs於網路合作學習之研究

A Study of Applying Google Docs for Web-based Collaborative Learning

指導教授 : 徐新逸


在現今Web2.0時代裡,強調開放分享、參與貢獻、互惠共創,每個人都是知識的創造者、參與者與受惠者,透過網際網路開放、快速、方便溝通的特性,團隊合作的機會與現象已漸趨明朗,其中藉由網路合作學習的方式,讓學習者協同創作(collaborative writing)發展學習作品等教學案例及相關的研究文獻更是如雨後春筍般出現。 本研究主要探討運用具有Wiki概念的「Google Docs」協助團隊進行網路合作學習,冀望藉由Google Docs易於協同合作、發佈分享的特性,提供小組同步創作的空間,並搭配WebCT教學平台、i-Share同步工具以及教師、課程助教的輔助,規劃出完整的網路合作學習環境,以彌補長期以來遠距教學所欠缺的彈性與開放性,增強學習者在網路學習過程中的合作與互動。 本研究採用個案研究法,以T大學教育科技學系數位學習碩士在職專班為研究對象,透過16週「數位教學設計」課程的實施,從旁觀察、紀錄並深入訪談個案小組的學習歷程,並且於實驗教學前後發放「網路合作學習之學習經驗調查」問卷,以瞭解學習者對於工具使用與課程的滿意度。 研究後發現,個案小組為期14週的合作歷程結果,符合文獻所統整出來的網路合作學習四要素中的「人際互動」、「個人權責」以及「團體歷程」三面向的預期,另外,學習者皆肯定應用Google Docs於網路合作學習,能確實提升團隊凝聚力並協助成員間相互合作,尤其「任務工作」與「展示互動」兩方面,因前後測相較之結果達顯著差異(p值<0.05),故能顯示學習者肯定Google Docs相較先前的學習經驗,更能支援團隊成員在任務上的合作溝通,也能協助學習者於過程中接受來自教師、助教與同儕的回饋與鼓勵,進而激勵團隊持續地檢視與修正專案、完成任務,而且透過Google Docs文件中的留言討論區交換資訊、相互關心也能建立起成員間的革命情感,促使成員對於整個團隊合作更有歸屬感。 而本研究對於應用Google Docs於網路合作學習之教學具體建議包括:加強工具學習的實戰練習時間與次數、團隊合作前訂定明確的合作規定、在教學中給予學習工具明確的角色與定位、安排固定且持續性的機會讓學習者階段性分享成果以及提出應用Google Docs於教學之流程與應注意要點等。


In the Web 2.0-based World Wide Web, it emphasizes knowledge sharing, participation, contribution from team players. Each person not only is a knowledge receiver, but also a partner and creator . Along with the Web and Internet growth, the characters of fast and convenience clearly create the opportunities of increasing teamwork. Web learning creates collaborative writing, and the related research papers published rapidly in recent years. This study mainly discussed about the web-based collaborative learning by applying Google Docs. Each team used Google Docs as their virtual bulletin board to complete an online classroom course. Students used the WebCT platform, i-Share synchronous tool, with assistants from an online instructor and an online tutor. These web tools can enhance the flexibility and increase the learners’ interactions which distance learning may be insufficient in a long time during the collaborative writing process. This study adopted a case study method. It selected a 16-week online class from T University in Taiwan. The first phase was to observe, record and interview with students about their learning process. Then, the survey was delivered after online class was completed, in order to understand the students’ satisfactions of tools and online courses. The results indicated that the Social interaction ,Individual accountability and Group processing factors were coherent with the literature review. Besides, The learners agreed that using Google Docs can promote teamwork and can encourage team players to help each other. In addition, there was a significant difference(p<0.05)at Mission work and Exchange and interaction factors from the comparison of before and after the implementation of Web-based collaborative learning. It was obvious to see that learners affirmed Google Docs not only can support the communication during the collaboration, but also can assist team players survey and revise project step by step. The more important point is, learners can exchange information, build up team value and sense of belonging as a team more quickly and successfully through Google Docs than before. The study provided specific recommendations including: (1) increase the time and frequency of tools learning and actual hands-on practice; (2) identify clear collaboration rules before team starts to work together; (3) to provide clear roles of learning tools for students during class; (4) set up routine sharing sessions for students; and (5) bring up the implementation process of Google Docs and related issues which should be careful of when apply Google Docs in learning and teaching.


林怡君、林建仲、吳俊憲(2008)。國小自然與生活科技課程運用Google Docs的學習成效。生活科技教育,41(3),2-8。


