  • 學位論文


The Study on the Effect of Digital Game Based Learning on Mathematical Computational Ability of Autistic Students in Junior High School

指導教授 : 歐陽崇榮


科技一直在進步,學習的方式也不斷地在更新,利用平板電腦搭配應用軟體來協助教學已成為近年來的趨勢,目前已經大量的運用於各種教學環境,部分已經取代傳統的學習方式以達到更佳的教學效果。 本研究以3位國中特教班學生就學輔導會鑑定為國中特教班自閉症學生為研究對象,身心障礙程度分別為中度二位、重度一位,採用單一受試研究法之跨受試多探試實驗的研究方法,藉由數位遊戲式學習的介入來探討數學計算能力的學習成效,並使用研究者自編的數學計算能力學習成效評量表進行視覺分析與資料處理。分析數位遊戲式學習對於研究參與者數學計算能力學習成效的影響。企圖了解國中特教班自閉症學生對於數位遊戲式學習介入後的數學計算能力學習成效。 根據本研究之研究目的與問題,歸納出以下結論。 一、數位遊戲式學習介入數學計算能力的學習,對三位國中特教班自閉症學生具有學習成效。 二、應用數位遊戲式學習進行數學計算能力教學,對三位國中特教班自閉症學生具有學習成效。 三、三位研究參與者在教學實驗介入期結束,維持期階段,,顯示具有維持成效的情況。 綜合以上研究結果,提出對未來研究與國中自閉症學生應用數位遊戲式學習之相關建議。


Technology has been advancing, and learning methods are constantly being updated. The use of tablet computers with application software to assist teaching has become a trend in recent years. It has been widely used in various teaching environments, and some have replaced traditional learning methods to achieve better teaching effect. In this study, three junior high school students in special education classes were identified as students with autism in special education classes. The degree of physical and mental disability was two for moderate and one for severe. The cross-acceptance of the single-subject research method was adopted. Try to explore more experimental research methods, explore the learning effectiveness of Mathematical computational ability through the intervention of digital game learning, and use the researcher's self-compiled Mathematical computational ability learning effectiveness evaluation scale for visual analysis and data processing. Analyze the impact of digital game-based learning on the effectiveness of study participants' Mathematical computational ability. It is an attempt to understand the effectiveness of autistic students in the special education class of junior high school in learning mathematics after the intervention of digital game-based learning. According to the research purpose and problems of this research, the following conclusions are summarized. 1. Digital game-based learning is involved in the learning of mathematical computational ability, which has a learning effect for three autistic junior high school students. 2. Applying digital game-based learning to teach mathematics computational ability, which has a learning effect for three autistic junior high school students. 3. The three research participants showed that the teaching experiment was effective at the end of the intervention period and the maintenance period. Based on the above research results, the auther puts forward relevant suggestions for future research and the application of digital game-based learning to junior high school students with autism.


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