  • 學位論文


Exploring Purchase Intention of The Second-Hand Mobile Smart Phone Using Technology Acceptance Model

指導教授 : 曹銳勤


環境漸漸被破壞,綠色意識的增強,許多人們開始注重環境的保護,提出了許多方法,而購買二手產品就是其一。 現在科技進步,使用手機需求增加,2016年使用手機的族群,擁有多隻手機民眾比率占全國的 22.0%,而手機族使用手機上網的比率也越來越高,手機成為生活中不可或缺的必需品。 如何在這手機成為民生必需品的情況下,也可以同時盡到保護地球的責任,是本研究之主題。若可以提高二手手機的購買意願,不但可以減少手機零件資源的浪費,消費者同時也可以取得滿足需求的手機。 本研究以科技接受模式之有用性、易用性、安全性及使用態度、綠色意識等五個變數探討二手手機的購買意願。 本研究主要針對有使用手機的使用者,共收集330份有效問卷,並使用SPSS Amos 20.0電腦統計軟體進行信效度分析,以結構方程模型(SEM)實證結果。最後指出相關理論及管理之意涵,且針對未來研究提出建議與參考。


The environment is gradually being destroyed, the awareness of green is increasing, many people are beginning to pay attention to the protection of the environment, and many methods are proposed, and buying second-hand products is one of them. Now that science and technology are advancing, the demand for mobile phones has increased. In 2016, the number of people using mobile phones accounted for 22.0% of the national population, while the mobile phone users used mobile phones to access the Internet. The mobile Phone became indispensable in life. How to protect the earth at the same time in the case of this mobile phone becoming a necessity for the people's livelihood is the subject of this research. If you can increase the willingness to buy second-hand mobile phones, you can not only reduce the Waste of mobile phone parts resources, but also consumers can also obtain mobile phones that meet their needs. This study explores the willingness to purchase second-hand mobile phones based on the usefulness, ease of use, Security and attitude of use, and green awareness. This study focused on the use of mobile phone users, collected a total of 330 valid questionnaires, and used SPSS Amos 20.0 statistical software for reliability and validity analysis, using structural equation modeling (SEM) empirical results. Finally, it points out the meaning of relevant theory and management, and puts forward suggestions and references for future research.


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3. 陳欽雨, 劉峰旭, & 林哲緯. (2014). 綠色意識與宗教熱忱對素食認知及茹素意願之影響. 運動休閒餐旅研究, 9, 18-35.
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