  • 學位論文


The relations of Mexico with the Caribbean States

指導教授 : 韋淑珊


從地形政治學的角度來看,墨西哥身處於美國強權,加勒比海及中美洲之間。 長久以來,墨西哥便遭受到歐洲殖民佔領及美國強權入侵接連地壓迫。 然而,墨西哥從未停下腳步顯露出其欲成為地區強權的野心並因此在1970年代之後轉變為企圖發展成該地區第三世界國家領袖。 此篇論文主要研究架構所涵蓋的範圍始於一九七0年代至二十一世界初。 開始著手於一九七0年代起因於墨西哥政府於當時重新審視其外交政策並在拋開以往傳統的情況下積極地表現出於世界舞臺上展露頭角的興趣。 同時研究分析自一九七0年代到二十一世界初墨西哥歷任總統的外交政策在各自任內面對國際局勢的演變及國內情況的發展的同時如何發展與加勒比海地區的關係及發展的演變。 最終,基於墨西哥在加勒比海共同體暨共同市場(CARICOM)及加勒比海國家協會(ACS)中扮演重要角色的情況下,墨西哥如何與區域組織下所有成員共同面對二十一世紀的種種的新的課題將會在展望的部份中予以探討。 加勒比海地區對於墨西哥所產生的重要性主要是根據以下的理由: 歷史背景及社會文化上的依附連結的及地理政治學上所扮演重要的戰略位置。 就國際現實上來看,加勒比海國家的數目可以在參與各種國際機構時俱有一定程度的發言權及決定國際事務的影響力。 墨西哥與加勒比海地區的關係一直存在著需要更多的對話及合作機制來改善現有處理區域事務時共識不足的問題。 隨著墨西哥政府於二十一世紀逐漸發展的同時,如何以更積極及未雨綢繆的外交政策來為墨西哥及加勒比海地區的人民帶來更大的福祉遂成為當前不容忽視的課題。


Geopolitically, Mexico is located between the American hegemony, the Caribbean States, and Central America. For ages, the Mexican government has been oppressed consecutively under the European conquest and the North American invasion.. Nevertheless, Mexico has never stopped demonstrating its ambitious interests for rising up as a regional hegemonic power. For this reason, Mexico has converted into developing its intention of being the leader among the Third World countries within the region since the 1970s. The fundamental outline of research of this dissertation includes mainly from the decade of 1970 to the beginning of the 21st century, regarding the 1970s as initiation because from that period of time, Mexico started to reconsider its foreign policy and showed the active attitudes to maintain the high presence in the world´s stage, abandoning its old traditional foreign policy. Straightaway, it explains its policies of each presidency until the start of the 21st century, analyzing the influences of international situations and the internal and external factors of Mexico concerning its relation with the Caribbean States during each presidency at the same time. To this end, taking consideration into the reason that Mexico has membership within the CARICOM and the ACS, the perspectives of the relations of Mexico with Caribbean States are going to be presented for sure. The Caribbean States turn out to be several icons of vital importance for Mexico related to the following reasons: its historical and social links and geopolitical position. They are 15 countries with rights to speak up and vote inside the international organizations, and possess as an important maritime zone in the world. In brief, the relations of Mexico with the Caribbean States have been necessary for coexisting like neighbors without having strong strategic alliances that only allow few consensuses in the regional issues. However, it seems to have an inevitable need to make Mexico have a preventive and active diplomacy and also let it to stand in a privileged position to bring a better life for the people in Mexico and the Caribbean States..


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