  • 學位論文


The Practice of Mandala Drawing in Stair Family Therapy: Using Counselling Valunteers in Primary School an Example

指導教授 : 柯志恩


本研究旨在探討認輔志工透過曼陀羅繪畫於家庭關係之探索、情緒的抒解與轉化,以及自我覺察等內在經驗與歷程。研究進行方式以台北市某國小認輔志工團隊的團體治療形式為之,團體成員共16人,皆為已婚女性,本研究以立意取樣方式從中選取4人參與研究的進行。並透過深度訪談法蒐集文本資料,主題分析法來回於文本間的方式進行資料分析。 而研究者根據研究問題,最後整理出之研究結果呈現於下: 壹、從曼陀羅圖畫中的圖像、顏色,呈現出父母的人格特質與家人間的關係;從彼此間的位置、距離,透露出孩子為父母爭戰中的代罪羔羊。 貳、曼陀羅圖畫中呈現出複製於原生家庭父母的婚姻模式。 叁、透過創作曼陀羅學習情緒宣洩的方法,及藉由繪畫後所升起的覺察來學習不 同於過往的溝通方式,打破家庭成員間固有的僵化模式,關係呈現新曙光。 肆、創作過程中專注力從「糾結的情緒」轉到「圖像」,情緒在此得到轉化並對 事件產生新觀點與創造意義。 伍、複製於父母的人際互動與親子教養模式;童年時期對父母未滿足的期待,投 射到孩子身上藉以獲得滿足。 陸、透過曼陀羅圖畫中的圖像對自我現狀產生覺察,進而邁向改變之路。 柒、透過不同的視覺效果,改變圖畫中之象徵意義,藉以貼近內在更真實的自我。


This research aims to explore the impacts of Mandala Drawing on family relationships, as well as the inner experiences and journeys of emotional transition and self-awareness that take place, using a case study conducted by counseling volunteers. The case study was carried out by a group of 16 married female counseling volunteers in a Taipei Elementary School, with four that were selected with Purposive Sampling for further studies. Meanwhile, in-depth interviews and thematic analysis for reference articles compiling and data analysis were also conducted. Based on the research issues, the findings of this paper are concluded as follows: I. Patterns and Colors of Mandala Drawings were representative of parents’ characters and family relationships; the layouts and distances revealed that the children had been suffering from their parents’fighting. II. Parents’ marriage models from the Families-of-Origin had been duplicated into Mandala Drawings. III. Through Emotional Transition of Mandala Creation and Self-awareness of Drawing Expression, new communication stances different from past ones were established for the breakthrough of family relationships. IV. During the process of devoted creation, “Tangled Emotions” were transformed into “Drawings” as an accomplishment of Emotional Transition for new perspectives and meanings to be derived. V. The Copies of Parenting Models from the Families –of-Origin: The unsatisfied expectations of the parents from the Families-of Origin were projected onto and satisfied by the realizations of their own children. VI. Through Mandala Drawings, Self-awareness developed in the direction of changing for the better. VII. With a variety of visual effects, symbolic interpretations of the drawings were utilized for better expressions of the true inner selves.


