  • 學位論文


The study on the effects of electronic textbooks on Chinese language ability of junior high school students with learning disabilities

指導教授 : 林素甘


近年來網路技術不斷推陳出新,使得以往面對面教學或是紙本教學已經無法引起學生的興趣,取而代之的是利用電子書的數位學習。本研究旨在探討運用國文電子教科書教學對國中學習障礙生國語文能力學習之成效,以研究者任教國中之學習障礙生為研究對象,以前測分數將受試學生分為實驗組與對照組。實驗時間為兩個學期,在實驗階段輔以參與觀察法觀察學習障礙生對於電子教科書不同功能的反應,並以兩學期內的的三次段考區分為三個階段進行研究。第一階段兩組皆使用紙本教科書;第二階段實驗組改採電子教科書,對照組仍使用紙本教科書;第三階段兩組皆採用電子教科書。在每個階段分別探討兩組間與各組內的差異,實驗結束後以問卷調查法了解學生對於採用電子教科書上課的滿意度。 研究結果顯示採用電子教科書教學不僅能有效提升國中學習障礙生的識字能力及閱讀能力,亦能引起學生的興趣,促進更多的課堂參與。而電子教科書中的動畫及影片功能最吸引學生的注意,且能有效提升學習障礙生的專注力。


Internet technology has been continuously innovated in recent years. The face-to-face teaching or traditional teaching methods no longer attract students, therefore, students are using e-books for e-learning nowadays. This study mainly focuses on the effect of applying electronic textbooks to Chinese teaching for junior high school students with learning disabilities. The students of junior high school with learning disorder in the school that researcher works at was selected as the case for studying, and they are divided into experimental and control groups by using pretest scores. The period of study is two semesters, and each semester is divided into three phases by using the 3 sectional examinations for experiment. In the first phase, these two groups both use paper textbooks; in the second phase, the experimental group uses electronic textbooks and the control group still uses paper textbooks; in the third phase, both of the two groups use electronic textbooks. In the end, the differences between two groups and within each group at each phase in the experimental stage are discussed. During the period of study, the observation of the reaction of the different functions of electronic textbook has also been conducted, and a questionnaire to understand the satisfaction of students for using electronic textbooks is also implemented after the experiment. The study has shown that the use of electronic textbooks for Chinese teaching not only has improved the literacy and reading abilities of students with learning disabilities, but also aroused their interest and promoted more class participation. Finally, the animation and video functions of electronic textbooks are the two most tractive functions for students and can improve students’ learning and concentration effectively.


