  • 學位論文


A study on the relationship between selfcare and multicultural personality for professional helpers

指導教授 : 宋鴻燕


本研究旨在探討助人工作者自我照顧與多元文化人格之關係,以國內從事助人工作者為研究對象,樣本主要以各級學校、醫療單位、社福機構等地之諮商心理師以及社會工作師/員為主,志願參與研究之助人工作者於網路上填寫聯絡表單,並寄發紙本問卷進行問卷施測。研究參與者共計179位(女性144位、男性35位),研究中使用的研究工具包括「自我照顧量表」、「多元文化人格量表」以及「基本資料」三部分,研究資料以SPSS22.0 將所得資料進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法加以分析。研究結果發現助人工作者普遍具有中高程度的自我照顧以及多元文化人格,在多元文化人格中,以心理開放度表現最佳。助人工作者的自我照顧與多元文化人格呈現顯著正相關,即自我照顧愈佳多元文化人格愈佳。高教育程度、諮商心理師之助人工作者其自我照顧程度較佳,諮商心理師在心理層面之自我照顧表現比較社工師為佳。助人工作者中,以女性、高教育程度、學校單位與醫療單位、以及諮商心理師,其生理面向之自我照顧程度較好,曾與不同文化案主工作之助人工作者其多元文化人格程度較高。最後,根據研究結果,對實務工作者具體之建議、進行研究過程中所遇到之困難與問題,說明研究上的限制,並提出對於後續研究之建議。


The purpose of the research was to examine the relationship between self-care and multicultural personality in professional helpers by using convenience sampling, questionnaire surveys including Self-Care Questionnaire, Multicultural Personality Questionnaire with basic personal background information of the participants. The study invited the professional helpers who willing to participate the study and mail the hard copy questionnaires were conducted among 179 professional helpers selected from schools, medical institutions and welfare institutions in Taiwan. The statistical package software SPSS 22.0 version was utilized to analyze collected data for descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. The study reached the following results: The self-care of professional helpers was rated at the upper-intermediate level. The multicultural personality of professional helpers was rated at the upper-intermediate level with the highest percentage of “Open-mindedness”. Self-care was found to be positively correlated with Multicultural Personality. Those who with a higher education level and counselors were better than the counterparts in terms of self-care. The mental aspect of self-care of counselors were better than social workers. Regarding to the personal background for professional helpers, female, high education level, school, medical institutions, and counselor were better than the other groups in the physical aspect of self-care. Professional helpers who used to work with clients from different cultural background showed a higher level of multicultural personality than those who have never had such experiences. Some of the difficulties and limitations of the current study were discussed and suggestions were offered for the future study and practical work.


