  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Scientific Literacy and Performance in R&D Personnel

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


全球化的經濟發展為企業經營帶來劇烈的變化,在持續追求最低成本的競賽之外,也推升了以「創新」為企業目標的知識經濟浪潮。「創新」是新經濟時代,組織必備的核心能力。為從激烈市場競爭中脫穎而出,愈來愈多的企業試圖藉由創新研發工作來創造優勢。由此可見,企業競爭力強弱的關鍵因素是創新的能力。科學素養是生存於現今科技社會中,不可或缺之基本知識與能力,且科學素養著重廣泛的知識與整合的能力,是創新能力的來源。藉由個人的科學素養將生活與知識進行統合,進而轉換為創新,相信這也是促進社會與企業進步的動力之一。 本研究主要目的是在探討開發人員之科學素養,與其績效表現的關係。針對個案公司之開發人員透過紙本與電子郵件的方式發放量表,共發出135份問卷,回收122份,回收率為90.4%,刪除無效問卷1 份,有效量表為121份。科學素養量表的整體信度為0.975,顯示本量表具有良好的信度水準。本研究發放量表時,同時施以Scott & Bruce (1994)所發展之創新行為量表,發現受測結果亦有顯著關係。並與個案公司員工的績效考核做一比對,發現量表的科學素養得分越高者,其績效表現亦佳。再以科學素養之得分與人口統計變項做比較分析,結果顯示隨著年資與年齡的增長、管理者與已婚者,其科學素養得分較高。這代表可採用此量表來衡量開發人員之科學素養,運用於招募、留才與育才等相關人力資源管理方面。


Innovation is the organization necessary core competencies in new economic era. To stand out from fierce market competition, more and more companies are trying to work through innovative research and development to create advantage. Thus, Innovation ability affects the enterprise competitive power. The Scientific Literacy is indispensable elementary knowledge and ability to survive in the nowadays science and technology society.The main purpose of this study is to investigate the scientific literacy of R&D Specialist, with its achievements performance relations. Employees with the case of performance appraisal to make a comparison and found that science literacy scale scores were higher, its performance is good. Then scientific literacy scores compared with the demographic variables analyzed, the results show that with the growth years of age, managers and married, their scientific literacy score higher. This means that developers can use this scale to measure the scientific literacy personnel, applied in recruitment, retention, and Incubation and other related human resources management.


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