  • 學位論文


Japanese Energy Policy After Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

指導教授 : 任耀庭


日本在2011年發生福島第一核電廠事故後,電力供給受到核能發電廠安全檢測關閉之影響電力供應非常吃緊。在此時空背景下,2014年安倍晉三首相提出的能源政策中提到未來以達成3E+S做為目標,3E+S為能源自給率、環境保護、經濟效率性、安全性。 本研究之目的在於電力供應出現問題的日本是否有辦法在短時間之內解決供電問題外,還有辦法達到上述的四項指標嗎?具體的做法為何?是否真的有辦法解決能源危機走向3E+S之目標。 研究方法為從日本政府發布之官方資訊分析是否可以達成目標。從文獻中探討關於3E+S之定義,第三章開始了解日本電力發展史,再以野田佳彥與安倍晉三兩位首相的能源政策做比較,第四章從電力的開源如再生能源、核融合、可燃冰等,第五章從電力的節流如智慧型電網、燃料電池、火力發電廠效率提升等,了解日本電力供應系統如何改革。 本研究發現日本政府3E+S標準是浮動的,從2050年訂出更加高度水準的3E+S目標即可發現此目標是慢慢進行改善而非在2030年馬上達成目標。故難以判斷日本能源政策是否可以達成3E+S之目標。而研究也發現日本政府能源政策上除了發展再生能源外,核能與火力發電的技術升級也是另外一個通往3E+S目標之選項。


After Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster in 2011, the electricity supply of Japan was affected by the shutdown of nuclear power plants. The power supply was not enough.The energy policy proposed by Shinzo Abe in 2014 mentioned the future to achieve 3E+S as a target, 3E+S is Energy security, Environment, Economic efficiency, and Safety. The purpose of this study is to understand whether Japan really has a way to solve the energy crisis toward the goal of 3E+S. How does Japan do it? The research method is an official information analysis released from the Japanese government,can achieve the goal of 3E+S or not.After the discussion from the literature on 3E+S, the chapter3 is understand the history of the development of Japan's power industry, and then compare the energy policies of Yoshihiko Noda and Shinzo Abe.The chapter4 is Japan how to increase power generation such as renewable energy,flammable ice, etc. The chapter5 is Japan how to saving electricity such as smart grids, fuel cells to understand how Japan's power supply system reform. This study finds that the Japanese government's 3E+S standard is floating,and setting a higher level of 3E+S in 2050 can be seen as a gradual improvement rather than achieving the goal in 2030. In addition to the Japanese government’s policy, it is not only developing renewables,the technological upgrading of nuclear power and thermal power generation is another option to 3E+S.


1. 李谷城,2010。《日本:東方太陽島的神話。第二版》。香港:香港城市大學2010。
1. 何偉,2012。〈日本福島事故省思及經驗回饋(下)〉,《台電核能月刊》,第352期,頁17-36。
