  • 學位論文


A Study on Career Decision-Making Experience in Early Adulthood of Male Successors to Family Business

指導教授 : 張貴傑


本研究旨在探討企業二代男性在成年前期的生涯抉擇經驗,採事後回溯方式了解研究參與者對職業選擇的看法及考量。研究者以滾雪球取樣方式,邀請三位符合研究條件者參與半結構方式進行深度訪談,並以主題分析方法進行分析。 研究發現企業二代的產業類別及本身專長背景,影響各自的生涯發展、抉擇的考量因素及家庭關係,綜合三位受訪者的經驗以兩部分呈現研究結果: 一、企業二代在成年前期的生涯抉擇之考量因素   在研究中,最直接的影響是當事人接觸家業的經驗,包含面臨家業的工作條件、工作技能的勝任度;再來是家業的條件是否符合當事者的工作價值觀,例如提供穩定的經濟、成就感等等;最後在接觸家業的過程與家庭成員的關係,也會影響當事者的考量。 二、企業二代的生涯抉擇是從自我走向關係的經驗歷程 本研究三位參與者在各自的生涯抉擇皆與家庭關係有關,並非只有當事者本身的職業選擇,其背後的心理歷程及意義化都與家庭成員的關係有很大的連結性,包含在接觸家業的過程會和家人一起工作等同於家人就是同事,因此在職業選擇上也會因關係好壞而有不同的走向。   最後,根據研究結果分別在受訪者性別、不同出生序位的教養方式、產業類別、家族企業與企業二代提出研究建議,並在生涯諮商上提供實務建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of male successors’ decision-making to family business in their early adulthood. Research uses an ex post facto design to understand participants’ opinions and consideration on their career decision-making process. Three qualified participants recruited via snowball sampling participated in a semi-structured in-depth interview. Thematic analysis was applied. Result finds both family businesses’ industrial types and participants’ professional background impact participants’ career, career decision-making process, and their family relationship. There are two parts of the result from the experiences of three participants: 1.Factors in career decision-making process of successors to family business in their early adulthood What impact career decision most is successors’ practical experience in family businesses, including working conditions and their own job eligibility. Next is whether the working conditions congruent with successors’ values or not, such as a steady income, a sense of accomplishment, and so on. Finally, the relationship with family members from practical experience is one of their career decision-making consideration. 2.The career decision-making process of successors to family business is an empirical process from self to relationship It is not merely occupational choice, but a family-relationship related decision to every participant. Participants’ thinking process and the meaning they have given to their career are both related to the relationship among successors and their family members. When working in family business, they may become co-workers with their family members in the work place, and relationship among them influences successors in career decision making. Research directions will be given according to the results of the study on gender, birth order, upbringing styles and types of industry, and then propose practical suggestions for family businesses, successors to family business and career counseling.


王 行(1993)。大學生自我分化程度與生涯成熟度關係之探討。東吳社會學報。2,89-115。
