  • 學位論文


The study of Public Library Regional Resource Center Services in Taiwan : Yilan District Resource Center as Example

指導教授 : 宋雪芳


本研究以使用者利用公共圖書館宜蘭分區資源中心的服務與館藏項目之狀況為研究主軸,並以宜蘭分區資源中心之使用者為研究對象,藉由使用者的回饋,確切檢視並瞭解宜蘭分區資源中心提供之館藏資源及服務是否符合使用者所需。 本研究利用參與觀察法與深度訪談法,在宜蘭分區資源中心館方的協助下進行研究,研究結果顯示: 一、在公共圖書館區域資源中心八大主題當中,受訪者較偏好借閱「人文藝術」與「多元學習」等主題,最少則為東南亞語系的「多元文化」主題; 二、在資料類型方面受訪者偏好使用「圖書資源」,因此館員主要以「借書」與「尋書」之服務項目為最多,且服務態度良好; 三、公共圖書館區域資源中心自2013年迄今舉辦過多樣化主題的閱讀推廣活動活動,不過5位受訪者表示未曾接收到相關活動資訊故未參與活動,顯示出宣傳較為不足; 四、對「公共圖書館區域資源中心網站」與「公共圖書館圖書資源共享服務平臺」有基本認知並且使用過的受訪者僅1位,不過經由研究者介紹後,其餘5位受訪者表示有使用意願; 五、宜蘭分區資源中心的使用者以15-24歲年輕使用者為主,目的在於使用閱覽空間讀書;而受訪者則以中年使用者(25-50歲)為主,較重視閱覽空間的舒適度; 六、受訪者對宜蘭分區資源中心提供之館藏與服務感到滿意,對於使用者而言宜蘭分區資源中心擁有的新書館藏較多,能提供另一項閱讀的選擇,因此宜蘭分區資源中心與公共圖書館應是相輔相成之角色。   依據本研究結果提出建議: 一、建議宜蘭分區資源中心定期將新收錄與將淘汰之館藏公告給使用者,利用借閱率瞭解使用者之偏好; 二、建議宜蘭分區資源中心於閱覽空間適當增設置物櫃與插座,以便使用者放置個人物品與充電使用; 三、宜蘭分區資源中心應加強宣傳公共圖書館區域資源中心之閱讀推廣活動、網站與圖書資源共享服務平臺等服務,以知會更多使用者參與及使用; 四、建議各縣市之館藏查詢系統與公共圖書館圖書資源共享服務平臺間應做帳號連通之功能,讓使用者可以一站登入,即可使用借閱、預約等服務,增加使用上之便利性; 五、公共圖書館區資源中心網站應將「最新消息」與「活動訊息」妥善保存以供查詢與回顧,並期能與公共圖書館區域資源中心社群軟體粉絲專頁做連結,不再僅是服務平臺之介紹入口。


This study aims to explore the situation that users of Yilan District Resource Center (YDRC) of Public Library Regional Resource Center (PLRRC) practically use collections and services of PLRRC as subjects. By users’ feedback, I want to examine whether users are satisfied with the services of YDRC. The study uses observation method and in-depth interview to show that: (1)In PLRRC’s eight themes of collections, interviewees prefer to borrow the theme of “Humanities Arts” and “Multiple Learning,” and the least is Southeast Asian Languages’ “Multi-Cultures.” (2)Interviewees tend to use “printed books” as regards the type of collections, thus the librarians primarily provide the service of “borrowing” and “finding” books. (3)PLRRC had held various reading promotion activities since 2013, but only one interviewee participated in these activities. Other five interviewees do not receive information in connection with activities which means that the promotions are not enough. (4)Although one of interviewees has the basic cognition to use the PLRRC website and Public Library Resource Sharing Service Platform (PLRSSP), other five interviewees express their intentions of using them. (5)The major users of YDRC, who are youth as people between the age of 15 to 24, study in the reading space because of its comfortable atmosphere. (6)Interviewees are satisfied with YDRC’s collections and services because they think YDRC has more new library’s collections and provides another reading option. To be more specific, YDRC and Public Library are complementary roles. Based on the study results, there are five primary recommendations as follows, (1)If YDRC announces the lists of new collections and withdrawals to their users regularly, it can understand users’ preferences through the rate of borrowing. (2)The reading space of YDRC can appropriately fit plugs and install lockers. (3)YDRC has to reinforce the channels of activities’ announcements in order to inform users to participate in its activities, including the reading promotion activity, PLRRC website and PLRSSP. (4)In order to enhance the convenience of accessing collections including user’s login and borrowing and reserving books, each county’s library might build the connection between Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) and PLRSSP. (5)PLRRC website should keep old “News” and “Events” and provide the function of search information for users. Moreover, it can link its website with social medias, such as Facebook and Instagram, to promote its activities.


